Goodbye Dear Trench Coat

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As Cas walked into the laundromat, he was blasted by a wave of warm air, the smell of detergent clogging his nose. There was an immense pain in his stomach, as well as an extreme dryness in his throat. Not to mention he had a throbbing headache and the fact that he was so tired he may as well pass out wasn't really helping his situation. He had all these feelings, emotions, desires, none of which he could comprehend. How humans cope with this everyday, he'd never understand.

Cas walked over to one of the machines, Dean having taught him how to use them back when he was at the bunker, and opened the top starting to strip his clothes off and place them into the machine. He'd stripped down to his underwear placing the quarters into the machine, but not before something caught his eye.

In the back corner of the room lay a plain sad looking vending machine with nothing but a few waterbottles and granola bars. Cas' stomach started to rumble, thirst making his throat close up, and in that moment the plain old vending machine held the world's greatest treasures.

He counted the money he had left only $2.53, certainly not enough to clean his clothes and get some food. So what will it be, his torn and bloody clothes, or a granola bar and some water?

Cas held his trench coat in his hands. These clothes had been with him through, well, everything that Castiel went through ever since he came to earth after raising Dean from perdition. Even when Cas was killed and brought back to life, more than once not to mention, these clothes were brought back with him. His trench coat wasn't just a trench coat to him, it was a symbol of what he's become.
His memories started flowing: Castiel meeting Sam and Dean, Cas having doubts about his beliefs, Castiel full on rebelling against his family changing the script and trapping Lucifer and Michael in Lucifer's cage, Cas becoming god killing hundreds upon thousands of angels and humans, Leviathans clinging on to Cas after he placed the souls back in purgatory because he couldn't contain them, exploding, Cas forgetting he was an angel until Dean showed up at his doorstep, Cas killing Dick Roman, Purgatory, Naomi controlling Cas to kill Dean, Cas resisting mind control and hiding the angel tablet, Metatron deceiving Cas locking the angels out of heaven and stealing his grace, and now, here he is sitting in a laundromat. Human and starving. And his coat, well he'd worn his coat throughout all of it.

But it wasn't the same anymore. Castiel is no longer who he was when he first wore that coat. The coat being the thing that his vessel Jimmy Novak just happened to be wearing when he was possessed. Cas is human, with only so much time left to live. Only so many things left to do. And holding on to the objects of his past isn't worth his time. It was time for a fresh start. Time to let go.

Cas grabbed someone else's clean clothes that were sitting in a laundry basket, a blue jumper and some jeans. He bought some water and a granola bar. It was time for a new life. But as he left the laundromat he looked at the machine where his bloody trench coat lay...

Goodbye dear trench coat.

And Cas walked out the door.

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