Charcoal Eyes

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Dean had seen way too many charcoal eyes.
He'd seen the light shine bright through their skulls,
He'd seen the black sockets with smoke still rising out of them.
He'd smelled the acrid smell of burnt flesh wafting through the air.
He's watched bodies fall to the ground, limp, cold, lifeless.
And it always stung. His stone cold exterior flinching for the briefest of moments.

But this, this tore him to shreds. Because it wasn't just anyone.
Kevin wasn't just anyone.
He was family.
But now he's gone.
And it was all Dean's fault.

Dean could have done something, anything at all. He should have kicked that lying, douchewad angel out of Sam the minute things started to get fishy, he should have let Cas stay in the bunker, he should have told everyone the truth. It didn't matter what he did, but he could have done SOMETHING.

He didn't. And it ended with him being stuck to the wall powerless, watching as Kevin's soul gets burned out of him. Kevin who'd done everything, for them, Kevin who was gonna go back to school, Kevin who was supposed to be protected by the fucking creatures that killed him.

Kevin who now lays on the ground lifeless with charcoal eyes.

Taken from this world far too soon, far too fast.

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