Chapter 5

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Candice ☝🏾

"If Young Metro don't trust you I'mma shoot you

Last night took an L, but tonight I bounce back
Wake up every morning, by the night, I count stacks
Knew that ass was real when I hit, it bounce back
(You ain't getting checks)
Last night took an L, but tonight I bounce back
Boy, I been broke as hell, cashed a check and bounced...."

I woke up to a phone ringing, and i know damn well it ain't mines.

An arm unwrapped from around my waist, and i ain't even know it was there.

"Yo" Candice answered.

"Ight, bet." " be there in 20" she hung up and looked down at me.

"hi" she said in a raspy voice. Zayummmm. my new weakness.

"hi" i replied.  and she just sat there staring at me

"ummm.. why you staring at me?" i covered my face flushing with color.

"what? i can't look at you? oh okay. fine then.  I'm just gonna go and leave you on this house all by yourself." she grinned knowing damn well i didn't want her to go.

"No no, you can look at me, but just don't stare."  I assure her.

"I'm playing lil boy" she winked. she fucking winked at me. well duh, who else is she talking to dumb ass.

"You really need to work on thinking in your head, not out loud" she pointed out.

OMG! that is soo embarrassing.

"Anyways... I gotta go. I have to be somewhere in 15. So the house is all yours until i get back. Then I'll drop you home."

"..oh..o-okay" i mumbled "there is food in the fridge, so help yourself tot hat as well." she confirmed while getting up to go and do her morning business. 

20 mins later (well she's clearly late)

"see you when i get back lil boy." she teased.

"i have a name" i spat back with attitude.

"yeah, and it's written all over your face........lil boy!" she cracked up with laughter as she walked out the door to her  car. what she do to get all this.

"i have an excellent paying job"

"what the hell man! BYE" I growled. I'm mad at myself because ever since i met her, all my thoughts are no longer thoughts.

i shut the door, but as i was turning around to walk, i heard a growl. awww shit!

One thing y'all don't know is....well there is a lot of things y'all don't know about me, but one of them is the fact that i am scared of DOGS!

Now this dog was HUGE!

i gulped. i paused. i turned around fully.... and there it was. this damn dog look like one of them police dogs but just a little bigger.

Man. why she ain't tell me she had a dog. Why didn't i ask. wow wow wow.

it was growling at me. "h-h-hey..there..."  and it just took one step closer.

" a you is a massive dog.." i took a step back and my back hit the door.

"oh hell naw.." i have never been so scared to die man.  i think I'm gonna pee. i started to tear up. i can't today god.

A tear rolled down my cheek. "s-stay.."


i jumped a bit. "OH MY GOD" i whisper yelled. i decided to take one step to the side and it's eyes followed me.

one more step and i was gonna make a run for it. Who's trynna die today? Not me.

I took my last step and it's eyes still followed me.  And then i did it. I sprint right down the hall ut i didnt look back.

I didn't have to look back because i could hear it right behind me. my dumb ass decided to take a sharp turn, and right when i was turning, it had gripped on to the bottom of my pants with it's teeth.

i tripped and fell, landing on my hands. thankfully it wasn't my face. it started tugging on pants and i heard a rip. WOW MAN.

i started crawling to get away, but it was so strong. "Fuck!"

but kept trying. i started kicking it in it's face and started pulling me back. then I kicked one good time.

it let go and i got up and ran as fast as i could and made it to the stairs. i sprinted up the stairs with dog right behind me.

"DAMN. It just doesn't quit" i huffed out of breath.

I finally made up the stairs without it grabbing onto me. I made a turn to Candice's room and slammed the door shut.

it started barking.

I locked the door and fell on the carpet out of breath. when she gets back...she better not talk to me. actually, i am not opening this door no matter what.

i got up and laid on the bed. my stomach started growling. "oh man...."

I'm back and i'm better y'all (this time I'm serious)

Love you guys 😘😘



next update is this week so keep on the look out.✌🏽✌🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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