Chapter 3

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Oikawa woke up feeling a dull ache in his knee. He opened his eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light and shifted his gaze towards his right knee.

To his surprise he was pretty warm even though he got cold easily. He scanned the rest of his surroundings and when he looked up his gaze locked on the angelic face of Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi was still sleeping, his left arm around Tooru's waist, pulling the latter's leg over his lap pressing him very close to his body. Tooru's head fitted perfectly under Hajime's chin, Tooru's lashes tickling the other whenever be blinked.

Hajime looked incredible peaceful while sleeping, a gentle smile on his face, eyebrows relaxed.

Tooru felt the sudden need to touch Hajime's face well up inside of him.

He reached out his right hand towards Iwaizumi's cheek, brushing his fingers against it tenderly.

Then he brushed his fingertips over the other's collarbone, lingering there for a few seconds before dropping his hand in his at again, disappointed. 

"If only you knew..."

Tooru decided that if Iwaizumi held him like this for once he could enjoy it and cuddle closer to the other's warmth.

Tooru wanted Hajime to hold him more often, wrap his arms around him and pull him close, close to his scent glands so that Tooru would get a hint of his new favorite scent every breath he took, so he would get a hint of Hajime every breath he took.

He glanced towards the window left from him, curtains not fully drawn close, the sky was turning a darker shade of blue, some stars were already visible and Oikawa knew he had to go home right now, he was already late, he didn't want to though.

Tooru remembered that his phone was in his left pocket, the side he was currently leaning on.

He sighed and manoeuvred his hand towards his left back pocket, trying to keep his movement to a minimum so he wouldn't wake the alpha.

When he finally grabbed hold of his phone and turned it on he saw that he already had twelve missed messages from his mother asking him to come home.

Tooru replied quickly saying that he was cuddling with Iwaizumi and that he hoped he could end up staying at the Iwaizumi house.

Oikawa turned his phone off again and put it in his right back pocket this time.

Oikawa made himself comfortable against Hajime's side, pressing himself as close as possible and resting his head om the other's chest, hearing his heartbeat.

The ache is his right knee, the one draped over Iwaizumi's lap haphazardly, almost sliding off, hadn't relented so he angled it differently, easing the pain.

The warmth from Hajime soothed him, the faint addition of his scent calming him down enough to fall asleep agian.

Before he drifted of he whispered agian, voice silenced as he pressed his face against the other.

"If only you knew that I-I..."

~~~~Short Timeskip~~~~

The next time Tooru woke up it was by the gentle shaking of his body, warm hands on his shoulders and surrounded by his favourite scent, dark chocolate and spice.

He opened his eyes as the shaking got less gentle and more borderline earthquake.


"Get up Oikawa! You have to go home!"

"You can't make me, Iwa-chan! can. Don't you dare though!"

He wasn't done cuddling with Iwaizumi, he wanted the other male to hold him all the time, making him feel secure not only by using his scent.

Oikawa wanted Hajime to calm him down with actions too, he used to do that a lot more when they were younger, from roughly ruffling his hair to the rare, warm and careful hugs.

Hajime's smiles were also the best, small, gentle and beautiful.

"Oikawa, you really can't stay."

Tooru frowned slightly, chocolate brown eyebrows furrowed, and stood up too, slightly looking up to the other.

"I'm not going home," Oikawa supplied, voice strong and determent. He wasn't done though, he would add a few extra words.

"You'll have to make me."

Tooru knew that talking to the alpha with a challenging tone wasn't a good idea, not knowing if his scent made the other aggressive.

He told himself he'd deal with the consequences either way, knowing that Iwaizumi would never hurt him.

"Mom's going to kill me when she gets home."

As the dark-haired male said those words the omega's eyes shone and he smiled brightly, quickly jumping on the other and hugging him.

Tooru knew by the other's vague relpy that it was a reluctant yes, Iwaizumi knew that he might regret it later, but for now he relented.

"Does Izumi-san know that you're staying here?"

"Yes, I send mom a text earlier."

Iwaizumi raised a brow as Oikawa smiled at him sheepishly, fiddling with the hem of his sweater.

Hajime rolled his eyes and glanced towards the clock.

"I can still make us something to eat, mom will probably be more likely to forgive me if she has had some food."

Iwaizumi chuckled lowly at the last part and Oikawa joined him, remembering all the times Hajime had practically eased his mother's judgement by using food to bribe her.

Oikawa sat back on the couch, pulling his knees up to his chest, grabbing at the dark green blankets to bring them closer to his body.

He noticed that it was strangely comforting to be wrapped up in the taller alpha's blankets.

His friends always talked about how other alpha scents made them jittery and nervous, even before they bonded with their significant other, he didn't feel any of that, Iwaizumi's scent rivaled his own mom's in terms of calming him down.

Hajime came out the kitchen carrying two bowls of steaming food.

Oikawa smiled, a genuine smile this time, and thanked the other, grabbing the black plastic bowl from Iwaizumi's hands afterwards.

He missed the other's warmth so he scooted closer to Hajime and grabbed the left corner of the blanket, lifting it for the other.

Tooru was pleasantly surprised when Iwaizumi slid under the blanket with him and pressed his shoulder against Tooru's.

Iwaizumi glanced at Tooru and caught the small smile gracing his features, makin him even more beautiful.

Hajime shook his head and concentrated on his food, dreading the moment his mom would walk in and see Tooru on their couch again even though she said he wasn't allowed to for now.

The pills didn't completely work yet, they needed a week or more to work propertly.

He never told Tooru that, thinking it would scare him away.

Tooru leaned his head on Hajime's shoulder and just enjoyed their moment together wishing it would never end.

His last thoughts were pure and full of meaning.

I wish I could tell Iwa-chan I love him everytime he smiles at me.

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