chapter 2 nathan sykes concert

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I woke up to Alexa jumping on me
"Wake UP, WAKE UP" she yells at me
I was confused on what was going on but then i realized today was the day i was going to meet the one and only nathan sykes. I got up and headed for the bathroom. I got out of my pj's and turned on the shower. I waited for it to warm up then i began to take my shower. I got out once i was done, wrapped a towel around me and headed to my bedroom. Once i got to my bedroom i went to my closet got out my jeans, nathan sykes shirt and a cute jacket just incase i got cold. I went downstairs to see my mom making us breakfast and having a snack bag packed for the trip.
"Good morning sweetheart" my mom said. "Morning mom" i replied. Breakfast was done and we eat in silent. Once me and Alexa were done with breakfast we went back up stairs. I went into my bathroom to finish getting ready. I brushed my teeth and waited for my straightener to heat up. Once it was heated up i started doing my hair. It didnt take that long since i only had to do my tips. After i finished my hair i started my make-up. I did white eye shadow again and some mascara. Once i was done i packed up my make up bag and put it in my bag. I found my pair on convers and put those on. I finish packing up my last minute things. I went downstairs and me and Alexa loaded up the car. We said bye to my mom and she told us to be careful. We jammed out to nathan sykes since it was a 2 hour drive to the hotel we were staying at. Finally we got to the hotel, checked in, took our bags to our room and settled down. Me amd Alexa were both hungry so we decided to grab something to eat quick then head over to the stadium.

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