Chapter 3

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It was crowded but I was so happy because I was going to meet Nathan Sykes with my best friend. We were waiting in line and I noticed that Nathan kept looking at me. I was freaking out even more. Finally it was our turn we took pics and asked our question and right as we were about to go to our seats he asked for my number. The one and only Nathan Sykes wanted my number. I didn't know what to do. I was freaking out so much on the inside. I ended up giving him my number and he said he would text me later had to go because the concert was about to start. Me and Alexa were having a blast. I noticed that Nathan wouldn't stop staring at me. Alexa noticed I was blushing and she noticed that Nathan kept staring at me. It was an amazing day.

Sorry this chapter is so short I really didn't know where I was going with this chapter. Also sorry I haven't been updating, a lot is going on right now so I'm busy even though it's summer vacation. I'll try and update soon. Love you guys

nariana the love that never ended Where stories live. Discover now