Writing contest idea!

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So I saw that there are actually peeps who like my art and I thought of something! I'm assuming you guys have OC's and if you'd like to win a drawing from me of them you can enter the writting contest that I might hold! It's just that in the past few days I haven't read anything really lovey-dovey or some kind of romance book like example [insert name] x reader bUT I thought: why not make it a small contest? I wanna see what you guys can write! Though this is still an idea, you can suggest some themes in the comments and I'll see about them :3 The prize will be as I said a drawing from me :")
*Whispers* I wouldn't mind if you suggested some romantic stuff at all, especially if any of my OC's were in it ;)))))) *dissapears*

My DrawingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon