Good King Hunting

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Chapter 12: Good King Hunting
(Author's Note: I know this is from season 2 episode title but I'm going to have a mix of season 1 and 2 but put it in my own version but enjoy this new chapter)
I didn't like that Mikayla was back in Kinkow after I was this close to be with Brady and he did promise that he would go out with me but that wouldn't happen if she shows up, I saw that she walks in the castle and looks around then Mason and Michael walks up towards to her.

"Baby girl I'm glad you're back from your training" said Mason

"You saw the note I left in my room huh" said Mikayla

"Yep if it wasn't for Michelle where to check the things you left off " said Mason

"Oh that's good uh umm daddy did anything happen while I was gone?" Mikayla asked

"Well I don't want to talk about it" said Mason

"Aww you should tell her that this fury cute Bandicoot showed up" said Maybelle

"Wait what!? Crash Bandicoot was here!?" Mikayla asked in shocked

"You know who is he?" I asked

"Duh the most Bandicoot wanted from Dr. Neo Cortex that he wouldn't give up till he captures him" said Mikayla

"Geez I was just asking gosh you don't need to be rude to me" I said I as I rolled my eyes

"Sorry Michelle I didn't mean to it's just why everything happens when I'm not here" said Mikayla

"Maybe you shouldn't left then none of this would of happen" I said

Mason looks at Mikayla

"Baby girl want to show me some of that training while you were gone?" Mason asked

"Uh umm well I was thinking to take a break from that" said Mikayla

I was suspecting from Mikayla that she was acting very odd that she doesn't want to show anything to her dad, then I was keeping watching the conversation between Mason and Mikayla then he looks at her and spoke up.

"Ok baby whenever you're ready you just let me know" said Mason

"Dad are you going to believe what she says to you?" Michael asked

"Son I'm going to let Mikayla to rest for a bit but you and me will do some training at the plaza" said Mason

"But dad do I have to?" Michael asked as he groans and rolled his eyes

"Yes son and quit with that attitude with me young man" said Mason

"Don't hurt Mikey bear while you both are training" said Maybelle

"Maybelle don't worry about me but thanks for your concerns" said Michael as he smiled

"Sure thing cutie" said Maybelle as she winks

Michael and Mason left and went to train at the plaza then I walked towards to Mikayla and spoke up then she looks at me.

"So Mikayla what did you do really?" I asked as I across my arms

"Michelle I was training honestly" said Mikayla as she lied

"I don't believe you Mikayla you're lying" I said

"W-what w-why would I lie?" Mikayla asked a little nervous

"Cause I don't believe what you say though it's like you're hiding something" I said

"Oh look at the time I better go with some friends to hang with" said Mikayla as she left

I wasn't full convinced that Mikayla has some friends in Kinkow then I went back to my room and saw my sister Maybelle on her laptop laying down in her bed then she looks at me and looks back at her laptop. I walked up towards her and clean my throat and then spoke up.

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