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How easy is someone able to get another to see them as a generous person?

It can be simple.

How easy can someone step into an entire nation's life with their back straight and head high; to be able to stand in front of millions and declare promises sweet to the ear?

Anyone with bold words and a strong speech can get anyone's approval, especially if a nation is at risk of dying.

How easy a tyrant is able to control his puppets with weapons to betray their own comrades? How easy he may gain respect of his citizens while behind his promising words is million souls suffering in camps or executed for speaking against him. How easy he is able to kill, steal, and destroy one's life in a blink of an eye.

How easy...

How easy can he get someone on the run?

How easy can he make someone tremble?

How easy he appears in their dreams and is able to destroy the remaining hope they have.

He gains forced respect by some while others are true; however, no evil shall gain my respect.

“The creation of four kingdoms is what started our history,” his hands holds the pen delicately as he moves to form smooth strokes, “and now one of them is about to fall! Economy there is bad, but the north is still paying for repairs to the west after the last war. The west is in rage of the east for the meantime, so it isn’t wise to get the two on any solid ground with each other.”

                He placed the pen down and looked up at the four men standing before him, “At any moment our people may even turn against us. So far nothing seems to be causing any uproar, and I am very satisfied at that fact. However, I think it might be time for a change.” He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes, “What do you think? We have had the same form of government for centuries and I am quite tired of worrying over the problems of our brother kingdoms.”

                “Why must you worry?” One of the men spoke as he lighted a cigar, “All four has been governed with a Monarchy government for centuries and the three has been facing difficulties. As far as I’m concerned about our kingdom; no one is against you.”

                “What is on your mind, your majesty?” the other spoke while combing his fingers through blonde hair.

                The king was silent for a moment. “I have no heir to the throne. I have been considering the thought of converting the southern kingdom into a new form of government, but I have no idea of what will benefit the kingdom without causing any tension between any of the classes.” He looked toward the men, “Any of you know any other form of government?”

                None of them spoke.

                Sigh, “I see, you all are excused…except for Major Kusakawa.”

                All three left as one stood silently. The king smiles and signals the major to sit, “It’s been a while since you and I can just sit and chat! You have been busy lately, how are you and the kids?”

                Major Kusakawa smiles, “For a minute I thought I was in trouble, Kane! Ayame is well, she just returned from the east after her visit with her parents and the twins are well.” He points to his uniform, “Shirogane, the younger twin I assume you’d remember, is being transferred here to the south to work with us. He has become what I had predicted to be at his age: the General of the northern army!”

                Kane chuckles, “Oh, how can I forget Shirogane? He is clever like you, how old is he now?”

                “He is to be eighteen by the twenty-first of September”

                “How fast time goes by,” Kane smiles, “you must be excited to have your son working by your side.”

                “Of course I am,” Kurogane crosses his legs and is silent for a moment. He chuckles to himself, “Heard from Akira in the north that he has been working hard from the first day he entered the army. He also tells me Shirogane acts older than half of the men there. Stubborn and always working, Akira says he never takes a day for himself.”

“Why is that?”

“Don’t know I have asked Shirogane, but he never answered my question.”

                Kane smiles, “I’ll be sure to welcome another Kusakawa into the army here. However, I need influences of other countries about this government issue.”

                “We get Shirogane to do that,” Kurogane stands up and heads for the door, “He sure loves to travel!”

                “Why do I hear sarcasm in that statement?” he chuckles.

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