Chapter 1:

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Angele's POV

"So you're saying that I can only go on tour with Hayes and the rest of the group if another girl goes?" I asked sitting on my family's new couch.

"That is what we are saying." My mom nodded.

"Okay. Can it be any girl?" I raised a single eyebrow.

"Not just any girl.. Serena." My dad smirked, knowing how hard it would be to get my best friend out here for a month.

"You know her parents will never let her go on tour. Ever."

"Well then I guess you will never go on tour then." My dad said matter of factually as he stood up and made his way to the stairs.

"You going to bed?" My mom called.

"Yep. Goodnight."

I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes. If I saved up for Serena's plane ticket, maybe her parents would let her go?  

"I'll talk to her mom and see what I can do." My mom smiled.

"Seriously?" I sat up.

"If you end up going there will be rules."

"Yes ma'am. I will not break any rule."

"I know you won't. You haven't broken any major ones yet."

"Thank you mom."

"So, how'd he ask you?"

"Mom, he asked me to go on tour with him, not to marry him." I laughed.

"I know that. I wouldn't be letting you get married at seventeen."

"Fair enough." I chuckled.

I proceeded to describe to my mom how Hayes had asked me to go on tour. I described the scenery on the ground verses up in the tree house. I described how nervous Hayes was. 

She laughed, "Ah to be a teenager again."

"It's not really all that fun."

"Oh I know. I was a teenager once, you know."

"I do." I laughed.

"Good, cause I'm not that much older than you."

"I know that too, mom."


I groaned as the phone still rang. 

"Serena answer." I groaned.

The phone still rang, showing my face. I laid down, hanging up. I felt my eyes flutter close and watched as the room went darker, slowly.

My phone made an obnoxious Facetime ring tone. I sighed as I sat back up, hitting the green button.

"What's wrong?" Serena asked, a look of worry on her face.

" I'm not pregnant or anything like that. I'm not dying." I laughed.

"Well we are dying if you think about it. But I am glad everything is okay." 

"Me too." 

"So was there a particular reason as to why you called? Not that I don't like hearing from you."

"Hayes asked me to go on tour with him this summer."

"Really? That's great."

"Yeah, it is. There's a catch though. I can only go on tour, if you come with."


"Yeah. It's just for a month starting in May. We will be starting in North Carolina and heading up to New York and Canada and then making our way down to Texas."

"I'll have to talk to my parents, but I'm eighteen now, so I don't think they'll have a huge problem with it."

"Sounds good. Just let me know."

"Will do."

"Thank you. I'll let you go now, it's late there and here." 

"Love ya, Izzy."

"Love you too, Rena." I pushed the red button, ending the call.

I stretched my arms over my head, groaning as I did so. I leaned back, smiling as my head hit the pillow. My phone rang again. 

"Hey you." I answered as I placed the phone under my ear.

"Hey beautiful." Hayes' voice rang through.  

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