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I walked into my high school again. It was a Friday so I tried to relax and cheer up, but every time I enter the high school I have this scared feeling like it's my first time going here. I walked to the cafeteria to greet my friends Smeagle, Hailey, and Shannon. I looked over at Sammy's table, but I was disappointed that he wasn't there, but I was also glad because I wouldn't have that much anxiety to talk to him. I have voices inside my head saying that he will never like me, and I am ugly so I just listen to them and leave him alone.

  I walked to the band hall and I found Sapphire and Neon. I ran and gave them a big hug and we headed down to the cafeteria. "I needs to pees!!" said Sapphire. All of a sudden she is guetto now. So we headed to the bathroom at the end of the hallway and it was locked. Yes, I know, who locks a fucking bathroom? We headed down to the band hall's bathroom, and Mr.Wood is smart so he leaves the bathroom open. Sapphire started posing in the mirror and screamed about taking selfies and I was wondering if she was high......? Neon and I exchanged awkward glances as Sapphire took a long piss, very long. We just kept staring until she got out and we headed towards the cafeteria, but the stupid bell rang so we did our normal routine of hugging Sapphrire and walking to choir. I walked down to the choir room, and I was greeted with a ton of happy choir girls, sometimes I wished I was in choir and not in that stupid Heath Class.....

"Hey, how are you doing?" Amy gave me a smile. I like Amy, but she is the kinda girl that is up for drama and boys, sometimes even taking people's crushes. I smiled back and said I was ok. She took that for an answer and walked towards the piano. The bell was about to ring and I saw Mr.Hitt, and he wasn't a very nice teacher, plus it gives it away that his name is Mr.Hitt.

  I went to class and time flew by fast. I was in 5th period thinking about Sapphire and Neon moving away next year, who will keep me company? "Ok class, turn to pg.186 and read up slopes," I turned to pg.186 and then zoned out thinking about it, why does life have to be so complicated?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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