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Keenan- Hey. Uhm so some bad news. My Mom was driving Haley to school today and some idiot didn't stop during a red light at an intersection so there was an accident. Mom she's fine but Haley was banged up pretty bad and is now in a coma. The doctor is telling us that she should wake up but there is no saying anything for sure. I'll call you later for the hospital information. Right now don't worry I just thought I would let you now. Everything will be fine so please don't freak out to much.

That was Keenan for you. Trying to put me at ease by comforting me even though I wasn't the one who needed the comforting. But I did want to freak out. A lump reached my now dry throat making me feel as I wouldn't ever be able to utter even a sound ever again in my life. No. I have to be strong about this . For Keenan.

I knew he always just tried to hide all his fear. Bundle it up inside of him because he didn't want to show his true feelings out loud. I could just tell through a plain old text that he really didn't believe everything was going to be fine no matter how many times he tried telling himself so. He was trying to mask his fear that he had for Haley. I know how much he loves her. How he cares for her almost more than anything in the whole entire world. I am his best friend and I know him better than anyone else. I could always decipher his true feelings towards a situation. And in this case they were dreadful ones.
Haley is Keenan's younger sister. I've Known her since she was born. I was five years old when she was brought into this world. I actually have a faint memory of being in the waiting room with an anxious Keenan waiting for her to be born. Yes, Keenan started worrying about everything at a young age so of course he was anxious. He matured at like two years old. He has always been so conscious of his surroundings where as me, I was oblivious to everything of utter importance. I always admired how Keenan was always so observant about everything in that way. It actually calmed me to know I had a best friend to help do all I can't do on my own because I am naive.

I loved Haley. It was almost as if she was my younger sister too. She is such a sweet girl. She is a beautiful thirteen year old girl that is in middle school. She looks like a girl version of Keenan actually. Her hair is the thick black like his is but it falls down on her mid stomach. Her eyes are even a brighter blue than Keenan's. I envy them both for that. I have always wanted blue eyes like them. But I had to just accept the fact that my eyes were always going to be there same shade of poop brown.

I wanted to hold back my lingering tears. I couldn't cry now. Not here. Every one will see me at my weakest and think of me as vulnerable. I was too proud to let that happen. But I was scared. I had all these what ifs.
What if Haley wakes up and her memory is gone? What if she doesn't wake up at all? What if she wakes up but then isn't stable enough to maintain herself and just dies?
These are terrible thoughts but I always expect the worst. It's something I've always done. I know it was a bad habit but if I didn't always expect the worst then I would end up disappointed or hurt.

I felt a tear slowly find its way down my cheek. My head ached and my throat was so dry I had to make a great effort to swallow. I felt like my face was burning.Why were all these bad things happening? First Ms. Blake ends up dead, My parents are ''still alive'' and now Haley could be severely hurt. All these things and it hasn't even been a full week. I sighed just tired of all this stress. I was looking at my desk that had drops of my tears on it. My hair was falling in front of my face as I looked down. Some pieces of my hair were sticking to my now damp face.
I wiped my face with my hands harshly and let out a sniffle. Luckily the whole class was into some deep conversation about historical figures so no one noticed me falling apart. I was wrong.

I could see in my periphery Harry staring intently towards me. He had a worried look on his face. His eyes had such an effect on me that I felt as if they were piercing through me. His lips were drawn into a straight line that showed concern. I guess he saw me falling apart. I suddenly felt insecure. He was still staring at me. Why did he even care he didn't even know me. It was annoying. He was showing pity yet we technically weren't even friends. I composed myself and cleared my throat.

'' Mr. Eaton May I please use the restroom,'' I said with my voice still shaken up no matter how hard I tried to conceal the sound of weakness in it. He sighed before responding.

'' That's fine I guess.''

I didn't even hesitate to move. As soon as he gave me his acceptance I jumped out of my seat and out of the classroom. The halls were empty.
I reached for my phone. I had to lie. I wasn't going to the restroom. I had to see Haley. And Keenan.

" Hello." I heard Keenan say from the other side of the line.

"Hey Keenan."

"Oh hey Amethyst."

I could hear the pain in his voice. I knew he wasn't okay.

"I need you to text me the hospital information."

Picture at the sidebar of how I picture Haley. Georgie Henley.

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