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My eyes fluttered open no longer heavy with sleep. They felt light, as if the weight of sleep no longer lingered over them. I look towards my window and notice that it is hardly the peak of dawn. My mind can't help but wander off to Keenan. I wonder if he was able to sleep as soundly as me last night. I know what he kept from me was wrong but I can't help still loving him like a brother. He's been part of my life since before I can even remember. It's almost as if he's part of me. To say I loathe Keenan for what he kept from me is an understatement. I don't know when, or if I could ever forgive him. What I do know is that despite anything I will have the same amount of love towards him as I do now.

My head aches as I try to sort out these thoughts that are rambling through my mind. Yesterday I was grateful for mine and Harry's Movie themed friend date. My mind wouldn't wander of to all my worries. Instead I was able to just put everything on pause and enjoy my time with Harry. I don't know how Harry accomplished that but he did. Maybe I was just enjoying myself with him so much that it didn't seem that anything could be wrong with life. He has that way of making it feel as if all those indents in life are filled for a brief amount of time.

I stand up off my bed, balancing myself as gravity overcomes me and my relaxed muscles get accustom themselves to moving again. Grabbing a jacket while also quickly slipping on my converse, I decide to just stay in my pajamas. Nobody will see me during this time of day anyways. And If anybody does who cares, It's not like I have anybody to impress.

I've decided to go for a walk. That usually helps clear my mind. I open my window deciding to take this way out. I know I'm two stories high but I don't feel like disrupting my grandpa who is probably drunk, passed out on the couch. There's the possibility that he's not but I don't want to take any chances. Besides, I've practically mastered taking this way out. Lets just say Keenan and I used to sneak out as kids all the time, so some might even consider me to be a professional.

I place my foot on one of the branches of the tree that is so perfectly placed right beside my window. I would like to thank the genius who thought of planting this tree here. I wrap my arms around the tree almost losing my grip as my foot slowly starts sliding off the branch. Well I must admit I am a little rusty. I start having doubts that I can actually accomplish climbing off this tree without breaking something. You know what? No. I will do this. I began lowering myself onto other branches. OK that little kick of sudden confidence caused me to come down to fast because I almost fell down again. I will do this. Just a little slower though.

I finally release my grip of the tree when I'm at a close distance with the floor. My knees are wobbly at first but I slowly regain my balance. I start to make my way down the sidewalk to anywhere. Lets see where you take me sidewalk. I continue to follow the path where the sidewalk leads me when I see it. A figure from afar. I begin to pick up my pace suddenly curious. When I get closer the figure suddenly seems familiar. The broad back. The walk. The brown bouncy curls sticking out from the lifted hood. It's Harry.

I keep a good distance from him so I could trail behind, but also go unnoticed. I'm curious to know as to where he is going. We walk for a couple of minutes until we reach a place I'm oh to familiar with. I hate the beach. It's hard to believe considering how close I live to it. I think it's just because I connect it with so many memories I have of my parents. They used to bring me here all the time when I was little. Ever since they stepped out of my life I guess I just tried to avoid the place all in all.

I watch Harry as he slowly sits down and sinks into the sand. His Broad shoulders and long back contract with every breath he takes. His knees are bent and spread widely apart as his arms dangle loosely over them. I watch him as he just sits there nonchalantly staring out into mass spread of blue. The dark blue waves crashing along the shore line every now and then making harsh contact with the damp sand. The water reaching further along the sand depending on the density of the wave. Then residing when it spreads the farthest it can go. The sun slowly starting to make its appearance in the sky.

'' Most people like to watch the sunsets,'' He says catching me off guard. His back is still facing me as he speaks. When did he notice me? I don't say anything. I decide to take a seat beside him. I look at him as he continues to speak his eyes never meeting mine. He just continues to stare out into the distance.'' They like sunsets because of how beautiful they are with all the different colors it portrays. What people don't usually realize is that the sunset is just signaling how close you are to the end of your day. Whether that day you did something wrong or did nothing at all there's no changing it. You can't change the past you can only live in the present. Well sunrise you see is the start of a new day. Maybe you can't really decide the outcome of your day to be good or bad but you can at least cling on to that shimmer of hope that it will be good. Whereas looking at the sunset could unleash feelings of regret or despair. That's why I prefer Watching the sunrise. If that makes any sense.''

" It does,'' I barely manage to say. Harry finally turns to meet my gaze and holds a shy smile.

'' Sorry for that rant."

" No. I don't think something like what you just said can be considered a rant. I get i though, like I really get what you mean.''

" Yeah?''

" Yeah,'' I say with a reasurring smile.

"Good. Because I barely know you and I don't want to already seem annoying. Although......, even though this may sound cliche, I feel like I've known you for a long time already." He turns his head facing the sunrise again. I stare at his prominent features. His cheekbones. His dimples you could still see even though he's not smiling. His perfect brown curls. His perfect shade of pink plump lips.

" Me to." He turns back to me looking to meet my eyes. I feel as If there's a force pulling me closer to him. I notice the force is also acting upon Harry because I feel him beginning to lean in closer. I could feel his warm breath slightly on my face as I stare into those oh so beautiful green eyes.

'' We should go.'' Our faces are still inches apart.

" Yeah.'' He says. Were there frozen for what feels like forever. Finally I grasp back onto reality and become aware of whats happenning. I back away feeling shy all of a sudden. Harry does the same scratching his neck.

" Uhm. Can I walk you home.''

" Sure. I mean were heading the same way anyways right?"

" Yeah,'' he says letting out a light laugh.


I start making my way up the tree after Harry walks off towards his house. When I step through my window I can't help but notice a shadow casted on the floor. I look up and find who the shadow belongs to.

" Keenan What are you doing here,'' I say. My mind had just reached peace thinking of how beautiful the sunrise was. Now my blood is boiling with fury. I obviously am far from forgiving him.

" Amethyst we need to ta-"

" Is that my necklace!" I yell pointing at his hand in disbelief. I look closer at the necklace in his hand only confirming my suspicions. That is my necklace. The amethyst stone framed with a silver band as it hangs from a delicate silver chain. Thats the necklace I had lost the day Mrs. Blake died. The one my mother had given me. Why does Keenan have it?!



Ohhhh Why does Keenan Have Amethyst's necklace? What do you think?............. Any ways I have decide the ship names. Amethyst and Harry's ship name: Amerry. And Keenan and Amethyst's ship name: Keethyst. Anyways I'll update soon. Oh and I just dedicated this chapter to my friend @racols98 because I felt like it.....and I'm gonna misss my 1d/ reading buddy when I move.

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