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A/N Finally jazmin

The dotted shadows of hair on his chin added onto the rough physique of his whole bitter look. Everything about him seemed rough and chiseled until you reached his eyes. His eyes, they were this soft, warming brown. And that smile. It would be an understatement to say every girl doesn't fawn over that smile.

So I've come to this conclusion. Hot people tend to have hot friends. But of course who's to say there aren't those few exceptions. Down to the point it's more of a general appliance I guess.

" Amethyst this is Zayn. He's a really good friend of mine." Harry pats the guy whose eyelashes are darker than mine will ever be. When I finally gain conscious of the fact that my mouth is wide open and I'm staring awkwardly I squirm feeling resort to nothing else.

"Zayn?" I look to Harry slightly confused," I thought it was Liam."

"Ahh yes the prudent soon to be groom," the attractive person in front of me that has probably broken the bar for every hot radar speaks melodically.

"Well you see, Amethyst is it?" I nod my head dumbfounded by his eloquent grace and model like stature," Liam being the oh so responsible bloke he is, didn't realize that the fitting for his suit was today. This is why now, I find myself here with the pleasure of meeting you."

"Thanks for coming to pick us up mate." Harry smiles generously with those beautiful dimples of his.

"Yeah man it was no problem. You know," he motions to me casually," She's prettier than you described."

There's no surprise that I of course blush towards his blunt comment. There IS a surprise however that I don't blush twice as hard as Harry does.

"The blushing look suits you Harry." I tease him.

"You're evil." I wink at him proud of my small victory.

"You two are so cute,"Zayn points between both Me and Harry.

"Tell me about it," Harry dramatically flips the air with his hand as if it was his hair and I laugh at how ridiculous it is.

"C'mon lets get out of here." Harry suggests.

"Yeah we should hurry everybody's been waiting for you guys to get here. Your mum cooked up some big dinner for everyone."


"Yeah. Me, you, Amethyst, Gemma, Niall, Liam, Louis, Eleanor and you know just everybody."

"Is Perrie coming?"

"Not sure. I called and asked her but she said it depended on how early work lets her out. But Amethyst that means you basically get to meet the whole gang in one night." He continues his long stride leading us to whatever vehicular transportation that got him here in the first place. I can't help but flutter in complete bitter anxiety. How is someone like me supposed to handle meeting all these people. These people whom I can only say share the common: partaking interest in Harry and his own gleeful grace card.

"You'll be fine," the sound of his voice at a near whisper closing in on my ear pulls me out of my own painstaking thoughts. His fingertips brush the back of my hand sending waves of electric shock throughout every fragile bone in my body. My heart rate accelerates and my stomach flutters with butterflies like it did the first time I met him. I look up nervously to meet his eyes. Our eyes meet and I know he's feeling all the things I am right now. I look back down at our hands when I feel another jolt in my pulse. He curls his fingers with mine and rubs the back of my hand softly with his thumb. Every circle made on my hand burning deeper with a sensation of want.

I suck in a breath wanting to feel the whole essence of this moment and then never forget it. I will be fine.

Keenan's POV:

The echoing of water droplets pitter pattering against the hard pavement was the only sound keeping me awake and alert at the moment. The throbbing in my head seemed to increase with every ragged breath I took. Blood trickled uncomfortably down my cheek and rested at the side of my lip,the bitter taste of it slowly reaching my tongue. Stay awake. All I had to do was stay awake and make sure I didn't fall into comatose. I'd been sitting in this same stiff position for hours. The usual position for someone who's being held hostage. You know hands tied behind your back while you sit in one of those uncomfortable wooden chairs. Ankles tied together while your head just begins to hang because there's no sense in holding it up in whatever empty room it is there holding you in.

My arms lost their strength somewhere in between my phsyco fits. I'd say about an hour ago. My wrists had become numb, the rope reaching all the way down to raw flesh. The only available feeling to them being the cool air that past by every five seconds or so. This telling me that there was at least some kind of ventilation system in this stuffy room. At least they were decent enough to give me that.

I shoot my head up at the sudden sound of heels clicking against the hard cemented floor, every echo heard in the empty halls nearing. The lock on the single door in this room begins turning and rattling. With great and painful effort I muster enough strength to hold my sore neck muscles up and above my shoulder height.

She walks in, a cloud of evil engulfing her bold and firm posture as she does. Her lips meet in a straight line and her dark eyes say nothing but death. She circles me brushing her fingertips harshly against the surface of my face. I fight against my restraints the anger inside of me boiling at the sight of her. Everything about her screams female dog.

"Ah ah ah. Better take it down a notch sweety I don't think those ropes are showing any sympathy to those poor wrists of yours."

I scream every profane and terrible word that comes to mind but the only sound that is heard is the sound of frustrated and angry groans.

"Here let me help you with that." She harshly pulls my head back grabbing onto the ends of my hair. I try to muffle out words to spit at her but fail uselessly.

"You know Keenan I thought you'd live up more to your name." She whispers lowering her lips closer and closer to my ear,"but you're just another stupid teenager that feels he can do whatever he wants. It was already a mistake hiring you but now we went off and hired another imbecile. He has family you know, same as you do. Haley in a comma was just a warning Keenan." I thrash and tears begin to board at the rim of my eyes the more she rambles on.

"Sh sh sh." She brushes her fingers over my lips and I wince at every touch. She pulls off the cloth that is abstaining me from the ability to speak and breathe normally. I gasp trying to take in all the air I can as if it is my last opportunity to really breathe.

"You're scared." I meet her eyes and pierce them with mine,"you're scared and you know it." She laughs and looks at me beneath her but there's a glint of something else I catch. Fear. She really is scared.

"Please Keenan what do you know? You're just a dumb kid."

"I'm a dumb kid who knows your weakness is exposure." She huffs but I feel her demeanor shrink the more I go on. She may have an outer shell of steel but inside she's just soft and rotten.

"You wouldn't do that to Amethyst. I know the soft spot you have for her."

"What?! the soft spot that you should have for her. I mean given the fact that she is YOUR daughter!"

"That's enough." She pulls out a syringe with a yellow looking liquid. There's a smirk she wears as she punctures me with it. I don't even fight it because I know there's no longer any use.

"You should've followed directions," the sound of her voice starts to efface as whatever she injected in me begins to kick into full gear. The walls starts to whirl and the ground begins to turn into the ceiling before I begin seeing pure white with little black specks.

"Exposure. It's all we need to break you," I'm able to croak out the last words before I hear her shut the door, everything turning black soon after.

A/N Ahh my heart hurts knowing what's happening with Keenan😩. Well I love you guys and vote/comment please. I'll welcome either thing with a smile.

Jazmin xx

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