Demons of the Past

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Gotham 9am................................

Batman stood on a rooftop watching over the dark city as the wind blew his cape. "What do you guys want?" Batman asked as Superman floated into his view.

"We just came to see you." Clark said smiling as Jason sighed. Clark turned his head and frowned. "Someone needs help two streets down." He said as Jason nodded and they went towards the noise.

They went into the ally as they saw a girl take down the last thug. "Stupid bastards..." She muttered dusting her dress off and picked up her purse.

She pulled out her phone and sat on one of their backs crossing her legs. "Hey Daddy can you come get me?" She said as she faced them and froze.

"Never mind, I just found a taxi." She said hanging up and looked at them. "You're that girl that Commissioner Gordon was talking about." Batman said as she rolled her eyes.

"No shit Sherlock." She said as she walked up and stared at Superman. "Could you take me home please?" She asked as Superman blinked.

"Ummm... sure." He replied as he picked her up and the others followed them.

They arrived at the nice house under ten minutes and Raven let go of Superman. "Thanks." She said as she walked to the door.

"This is where you live?" Nightwing asked as she opened the door and stared at him. "No, I'm robbing someone." She responded as Diana chuckled.

"I like her." She said as Raven smiled and closed her door. "She reminds me of.... him..." Superman said as the others looked at the girl's room.

"We better go." Batman said as they nodded and followed him.

The next day..............

"We are excited to have the Justice League visit our school, so please everyone give them your undivided attention." The principle said as they applauded.

Superman walked up to the mic and smiled as the others stood behind him. "Hello everyone, I've come to congratulate the person to find a cure for Nutorlic. Now would she please come forward." He asked as everyone looked around.

"Sorry! I'm late!" Raven said running into the auditorium soaking wet. They ask stared at her blushing while her breast bounced around.

"You..?" Flash said as she stared at them. "Me what?" She asked confused as she walked up and the students cheered as Raven smiled at them.

"You came up with the cure?" Hal asked as Raven rose an eyebrow. "Yes I did, is that a problem?" She asked as Flash smiled nervously. "U-umm no!" He squeaked as she smiled.

"Miss Walker, you need to know that since you came up with this cure that you and your father will be well known and will be rich. I and everyone else here want to thank you for the time and knowledge you put into this project." The principal said as Raven smiled and bowed.

"And you are also the Valiant Victorian for the class of 2017 and prom queen!" The principal said as everyone stood cheering as Raven blushed.

"Thank you very much, this means a lot to me everyone." She said wiping her tears away. "Now since prom is next week, who are you going to ask to prom?" The principal asked as all the boys started fighting.

Raven sweat drop and laughed nervously. "I think I'll wait til I know who can-." "I'll go with her." Everyone stopped and stared at Batman who shrugged. "I'm only four years older than her, so I would love to come. Plus, now that she's important, she'll need protection." Batman said as they ask blinked and stared at Raven who was laughing.

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