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it had smelled of rain.

aria walked lightly,
dancing in and out of puddles that formed on the grey pavement beneath her feet.

it was at that moment she wished she could hum,
just a small tune.

one like the old man always did when he came into the bookstore she worked in,
the quaint little nook full of wondrous passages that just didn't seem quite as warm without the song.

aria heard everything,
every sigh of an eager adult,
every giggle of a small child,
every laugh from groups of friends,
every cry of newborn babies,
she was able to hear everything.

and yet she was unable to speak a word.

her parents used to tell her tales,
lies to make her smile,
stories of how for the first few years of her life,
she did indeed talk.

but words.

nobody knew what happened to make her go mute.

the doctors say that sometimes there isn't a real cause,
that it brings itself upon it's own.

aria was one of the lucky ones though,
her parents were quick,
eager to show aria that she didn't need to speak with words.

she was fluent in sign language,
learned how to write before she learned how to walk,
learned how to make her life easier until the day came where she could speak again.

that being said,
the star-eyed girl never had many friends,
none of them willing to take the time,
to have the patience,
to meet her for who she was.

just one tune,
aria wished she could sing.

Silence // D.H.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon