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her name was aria.

and oh, how ironic it was that she couldn't speak,
for her name was the definition of a song.

she was five years old,
all pig-tails and chubby cheeks when her parents realized the truth,
their only daughter born with an impairment nobody should ever have to deal with.

a loss of words.
all words.

a form of mute.

never speaking.
never uttering a sound.

despite many treatments and therapists and psychoanalyses,
they stopped trying,
knowing that their lovely daughter was just as bright and happy, even with the loss.

they knew aria would talk given time,
or maybe given someone that could help her find her voice.

flash forward twenty two years later,
when their beloved daughter moved to the city of London,
her parents knew aria would be okay.

for she held the stars in her eyes that helped her find her way.

Silence // D.H.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora