Chapter Two; Samson

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Chapter Two; Samson

"What's meant to be will always find a way"- Trisha Yearwood

I lay there watching her sleep. She's beautiful, and I feel no type of way saying that. I've always thought she was beautiful from the first day I met her back when she was 14. She doesn't know how I see her, when I tell her she's beautiful she just laughs. I'm getting to grips with the fact that she's never going to see me as anything but her best friend, I don't like it but I respect it and I will keep my promise to her, I will always be there for her no matter what. I turned over and slept off.

The smell of bacon and eggs woke me up, I looked to find that she was already up. I made my way to the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth then followed the scent down stairs. As I got closer to the kitchen I heard to high pitched laughs, Nickole was here. I walked in and she jumped on me

"Samson, I've missed you" she screamed as I put her down. I laughed

"Yeah I've missed you too Nickole, this one over there's been driving me up the wall using me as her butler" I said pointing at Lershai. Nickole shook her head and laughed whilst Lershai stuck her tongue out at me. We ate breakfast and had a catch up, the bell rang and her bed and sofa arrived, we set everything up then returned to the kitchen.

"So what's the plan for today girls" I asked them picking up my keys, I had to spend some time with my mum today.

"we're going clothes shopping, then hair dressers and nail shop" Lershai answered with a big smile on her face. She was really serious about this change and I was happy, I hated seeing the cut marks on her skin.

"Nickole I'm trusting you to make sure she doesn't come back with some bald head" I said laughing, they rolled their eyes at me.

"Do you need a lift?" I said walking towards the door.

"Nope, we're going to take bus, I'll call you later to let you know how things are going" Nickole said.

"Alright bye girls" I called over my shoulder before slamming the door behind me. I jumped in my car and drove the 15 minute drive to my mum's house and parked. Using my key I opened the front door and closed it.

"Shanae, who's at the door?" mum called from the kitchen. I chuckled quietly to myself. My little sister poked her head around the living room door, when she saw me her eyes grew wide and she ran to me.

"Samson!" she screamed as I hugged her.

"You alright Nae" I said as mum came out the kitchen. She nodded her head and stood watching me. She looked passed me and furrowed her eyebrows but said nothing. I knew what she meant, she was wondering where Lershai was. I walked towards my mum and gave her a bear hug, I'd missed her bare.

"Your back now are you?" she asked kissing my cheek. I nodded and smiled.

"So where have you been?, I know you came back from your dad's two days ago" she said questioning me with her eyes. I laughed

"I was at Lershai's mum, nowhere else" I replied. She looked at me for a long while

"Leave the poor girl alone Samson, and you know exactly what I mean" she said returning to the kitchen. I sighed and made my way up to my room. I don't get why my mum thinks I'm so bad for her. Shanae stuck her head around my door

"I think you should try a little harder, maybe actually tell her you like her" she said before smiling and leaving again. I smiled. Shanae is my 14 year old Adopted sister, she's the best little sister and I wouldn't let anyone tell her otherwise, she's also Lershai's biggest fan. I laid back and thought about what she said. Lershai's different to other girls, she's so innocent minded I sometimes feel like I take advantage of that. I decided to leave the thought alone for awhile, if it was meant to happen it will in its own time. I called my boy Jayson and told him to come round. 30 minutes later we were in my room smoking a zoot.

NOTHING WAS THE SAMEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن