Chapter Three- Lershai

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I sat on my bed and let out a breath of relief, I finally finished packing my stuff for uni. The time was fast approaching, I was a little nervous but knowing that I'd have Nickole and Samson with me made me feel better. I still can't believe that I got into Brenton University it's a big shock, I didn't think I was smart enough really. It's not too far from London so I'll be able to come home a lot. Dad bought me a car as a going away present, I guess that's his way of saying don't stay away too long. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at myself, the transition I was making was a good one, I finally felt good about myself and knowing that I'd be out of this place in two days made it even better, I wouldn't have to deal with the likes of James or anyone of the sort any longer. I jumped off the bed at the sound of the door bell. I wondered who it was as I wasn't expecting anyone.

"Who is it" I called.

"Samson, you doughnut" he called back. I smiled and opened the door

"To what do I owe the honour of your presence" I asked closing the door behind him.

He chuckled

"Hey, hey young lady no need for the attitude, I came because I missed you" he said throwing himself on to the sofa. I looked at him and shook my head, I was happy for him he finally had someone to shower all his attention on that wasn't me, it was a good thing.

"So what's knew Sammy?" I asked sitting opposite him. He smiled.

"Nothing much, Rhyanne and I are good. Tonight you and Nickole are coming out with us." He said. I wasn't sure about this; I mean all his uni friends seem so mature, they might think I'm a baby.

"That's good, out where Samson, you know I don't really go out" I replied looking at the floor.

"It's an ACS drink up, it gives you guys the chance to get to know them before you finally come up, and don't think about it because you are coming." He replied smiling at me. Damn it I thought, oh well what harm could it do, I mean it's a fresh start, none of them know anything about me.

"Alright sure, why not, what kind of event is it, a dress up, dress down, or casual kind of thing?" I asked getting a little excited.

"It's kind of a big deal, but don't overdo it Lershai because I don't want to have to kill someone because of you" he said all traces of a smile gone. I nodded my head just as the bell rang again, I guessed it was Nickole.

"Hey Nicks" I said hugging her.

"Hey girl, Sammy told me about tonight, we are going to have so much fun!" she said grinning from ear to ear. I laughed and followed her into the front room.

"Nickole, I've warned her already, and I'm telling you to, don't overdo it, I won't have it" he said getting up to leave.

Nicks rolled her eyes but nodded.

"I'll be back in an hour and a half, be ready, none of that girl timing" he said as he left.

"Right missy, you get in the shower, I'll sort out your clothes, and don't get your hair wet your wearing it natural" Nickole said ushering me towards the bathroom. I laughed and locked the door behind me.

Stepping into the steaming hot shower I let the water wash over me. I planned on having a good time tonight; I can't remember the last time I went out and had fun. 30 minutes later I walked into my room and creamed my skin. I looked on the bed to see the outfit Nickole had laid out for me, a black crop top and skirt set teamed with my black and gold Kurt Geiger sandals. I slipped into them and added my gold Armani watch, hoop earrings, a few bangles and my gold heart chain. Its a good thing I got my toes done. Nickole walked in the room dressed in high waisted denim shorts and a dress shirt with a blazer and sandals, she looked good.

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