The girls of LUNA

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Name: Song Chae-rin

American name: Katie Annika Sparks

Yes, she is Korean American. She is also Japanese and German.

Lived in Pennsylvania before moving to Seoul, South Korea. Was best friends with Reanna, one of her only Korean Asian friends.

Caring, introverted, nice, sarcastic. Very child like, but also serious and the mother of the group.

Became a trainee in March 2006 when she was only 13.

Birthday: February 2nd, 1993.

Style: Mostly black and white, likes to wear converse esc things, more comfy clothes. Always dyes hair unatural colors, usually has an extreme side part. Usually shoulder length or shorter. Sometimes past shoulders.

Loves fashion, music, writing, and art.

Position: Leader, maknae, main rapper, lead dancer.

Hates: Being put on the spot and speaking.

Sings lowest (but has widest range) and is tallest at 5'10".

BASED OFF ME, THE WRITER. (Self insert woop woop)

What she looks like \/

What she looks like \/

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Name: Reanna Twilight Haynes

Stage Name(s): Reanna, Re Re, Twilight.

Korean American, doesn't have a Korean name.

Also lived in Pennsylvania, close to Katie, before moving to Seoul, Korea.

Fierce, Brave, extroverted, very nice, bubbly, protective, slightly emotional.

Became a trainee in February 2005.

Birthday: January 14th, 1992.

Style: Likes to wear comfortable things, doesn't really like black and white, likes more color.

Loves swimming, writing, and music.

Position: lead rapper, subvocal.

Hates: Singing Low, Dancing.

Sings high and third youngest in group.

Second tallest, is 5'8". Usually has brown/blonde/blue hair. Usually middle parted and a little longer than the shoulder.

BASED OFF OF EnderNightWolf

What she looks like \/

What she looks like \/

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Name: Park Soo Jin

Stage Name: Jin or Krystal

American name: Krystal Emma Hodge

Is Korean, Chinese, and American.

Never lived in America, but she did live in London most of her life, until moving to Seoul one year before her audition.

Very nice, outgoing, and shy.

Became a trainee in August 2005.

Birthday: January 23rd, 1992

Style: Sports clothes, mainly Adidas.

Loves dancing, making dances, and drawing.

Position: Main dancer, lead singer.

Hates: Rapping, not dancing, singing too low or too high.

Sings in the middle and is second youngest in the group. Is 5'8". Usually have blonde hair, brown roots showing, usually shoulder length and side parted.


What she looks like \/


What she looks like-

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What she looks like-

What she looks like-

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Name: Kang Jisoo

Stage name: Jisoo

Is Korean, Filipino, and Japanese.

Always lived in Seoul, Korea.

Very nice, outgoing, very introverted and sarcastic.

Became a trainee March 2006 when she was only 14.

Birthday: March 2nd, 1991.

Style: Bright and colorful shorts, with a simple top usually. She adores fashion and eventually got her own clothing line.

Loves: Art and music.

Position: Main singer, visual

Hates: Rapping, dislikes dancing.

Sings high. Is 5'6". Usually has brown/dirty blonde hair. Usually parted in the middle.

BASED OFF OF jbaughman

What she looks like \/

What she looks like \/

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So that's it! These are the profiles of the girls of LUNA! One more chapter and you can start reading!

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