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s.camel: hi aesol

seolie: who are you?

s.camel: i am lonely and i need friends

s.camel: even though i have a group of 12 friends

seolie: oh

seolie: okay then

seolie: tell me more about you

s.camel: my name is cheol seungcheol, but i have another name called s.coups, i'm 17, i study at Seoul High and i'm from class 3-3.

seolie: i'm from seoul high too, i'm 17 and i'm from 3-2

seolie: well that's what ny friends told me

s.camel: ?

seolie: i have temporary memory loss

seolie: i hope i remember my friends soon so they can stay happy

s.camel: am i your friend?

seolie: i know more about you now, so i guess you are my new friend!

s.camel: are you still staying at the hospital?

seolie: yup

seolie: i'm going back to school on friday

s.camel: whoops, gotta go, see you on friday then!

<s.camel is offline>

who are you? - svt s.coups [bk.2]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ