10; end

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"cheol-ie!" aesol called, running on the grasslands.

"yah! how many times must i say to call me oppa?" seungcheol shouted, chasing the girl he loved most.

it was a peaceful saturday afternoon, and they were at the park near the school, having a picnic by themselves. the park had nice cherry blossom trees that had bloomed in the spring.

seungcheol was chasing aesol around, and soon he caught up to her. he tripped on his shoelaces by accident and he fell onto the ground, pulling aesol together with him.

she landed on top of him, and she giggled.

"i love you,"

"i love you more,"

and they shared a blissful kiss under the cherry blossoms.


(a/n: cliche ending lol)

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