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I held the brown paper bag close to me. The smell of ancient books and perfumes before the Middle Ages still lingered.
I took a deep breath as new scents of  newly fallen rain and pavement surround me. I glanced down at the porcelain doll. She had a pale white face with velvet eyes and a deep purple dress. I smiled. It's perfect. I thought.


I unlocked the door, "Honey, I'm home!" I called out. I placed the paper bag on the counter. "Darling dear, I bought you a present!" A small figure appeared in my vision. I smiled.

"How was your day?" I asked. No reply. I frowned, "Well if you want to be like that I'll just keep it for my self!" I pulled out the doll. "She look how pretty she is, just like you!" The girl turned away and walked back into hall that led into her room. I sighed. Two months ago her father died and hasn't said a word since. And I hated her for that.

I pulled out the doll and smiled. It was pretty. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a doll, to be perfect, flawless. I smiled at the thought. And placed it on the shelve that held other priceless gifts that were rejected. Hopefully the man didn't lie...


"Darling dinners ready!" I yelled as I heard my daughters footsteps echo down the hallway. I frowned. The doll was sitting in Amy's chair. "Amy... did you move the doll?" She shook her head as she pulled a chair up beside the doll. And now I have a mute and a liar. I thought. She pointed a finger at me. I tilted my head and frowned. "What?"

"You did..."she said her voice barely a whisper. Did she just talk?!

"What did you say...?"

"I-I saw you....." I felt anger rise up in me.

"Two months...." I said as she watched me wide-eyed. "Two months I've waited...I've begged....two months I've wanted you to talk..." I exclaimed. "And this is what I get? I get accused and lied to! To my face!" I felt my face grow hot. "Go. To. Your. Room." I watched as tears ran down her face, she didn't move. I winced when I realized what I had done. Her hand lay on her cheek from where I hit her. I heard the sound of glass breaking as she threw her chair out from under her and ran to her room.

My hands went to my face as I felt a head ache coming on. I picked up the chair and broken dishes. The doll laid face-down on the ground. I picked it up and frowned as I saw a crack along its pale face, from its eye to its cheek. I saw the girl appear in my vision.

"What do you want now?" I yelled. She had her hand on her face covering her eye. "Geez I didn't hit you that hard!"
She took off her hand revealing a cut. A gash oozing blood. I rushed to her. It went from the bottom of her eye to her cheek. I thought off the doll and looked at it. I smiled. "Darling dear I'm going to test something." Her eyes widened.

I picked up a doll and got a knife. "If this hurts I want you to tell me..." The girl looked at me as if I was insane. I took the knife and scratched a new scar on the dolls perfect face. I watched as the cut formed on both the doll and the girl. Tears welled up in her eyes as she was screaming in pain. I smiled.

"So....are we going to try that again?" The girl shook her head. Good. Now go clean up this mess and think about what you've done.

I smiled. The man in the store didn't lie... I can get rid of the brat once and for all. All her father ever did was spoil her rotten. I watched her as she started washing dishes.

I placed the doll on the table and went to the garage and grabbed a hammer. Goodbye, Amy. I'll see you in hell. I thought to my self as the hammer cracked into the doll, shattering it into tiny little pieces. I smiles as I saw blood forming on my kitchen floor.

"Look what you've done." I said to my dead child. "Now I have to clean again."

Ps. I tried 😂😂😂

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