The Dog

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I bent over the toilet and vomited. The bowl was filled with a black sludge the I had just discharged out of my stomach. Tears streamed down my face as pain shot up my abdomen. I fell to the floor and curled up into a ball. My knees that loved the hug of my chest were the only comfort I had these days. I sobbed...

I don't remember why I am here. Or in fact where I am. Every passing hour brings new torment and pain. It's a small white room with a a bed, sink, and a toilet. I can't tell the time. The lights are always on, and no windows to see the day pass. The only way I even know time has passed, is the tray of food that slides under the door every couple of hours, or so it feels like. The door is solid metal. No handles or latches, and it is always locked, except the small sliver at the bottom where my tray comes in at. The food usually is fine but occasionally it will feel like days before they send a new tray in. On those days the food is horrible but I am too hungry to think and gorge it down just to send my self down the road to black sludge and bloody diarrhea...

I sleep, I eat, and I wait. Sometimes I wish they would turn the lights off. Just for a while. I once got bored and turned the water on the sink on and plugged the drain with my hand and let it over flow in attempts to bathe my self, but got a delay of food for a long time. Not one but the next three trays made me sick. I decided not to play with the water again...

Suicide? Yes I've thought about it, but I don't have nails anymore. I had scraped my wrists and woke up with my fingers  bloodied and my nails gone. They have yet to grow back. All my front teeth have been pulled to keep me from biting my tongue.  And the sinks and toilet are all but too small to fit my head to drown. I've thought of just not eating, tried even. And on those days the food trays were filled with scrumptious pastries, fruits, and veggies, all tasted funny. After that I've never been able to resist not eating the food. Something makes me go mad if I don't.  I've decided that maybe whoever is doing this to me will eventually get bored and let me go...

I've always wanted a dog. In fact I think I once had one. It was a brown dog with blue eyes and soft fur. But then again it could have been a dream...

Today was strange I woke up and there was a puppy, Brown with blue eyes, just like my dream. I played with it and let it sleep with me. It was really soft and warm, and it was nice to have company...

Today the only thing that slid through the door was a bowl of dog food. As the dog was eating I picked up a piece of kibble and ate it. It was salty and dry, gross I thought. I decided not to eat the dog's food and just wait for mine. As she finished her bowl I filled it with water in the sink. Maybe it won't disappear like my trays and she can have water too, I thought...

I still haven't gotten my food and the puppy has gotten 8 bowls of food. She is getting fat, I said to my self. While I am sitting here seeing my bones show. How much longer do I have to do this?  I watched as the dog, yet again took a crap in the corner. The smell was awful...

That night I decided to not let the puppy sleep with me. Why should she get food and not me. I threw her off the bed. She looked sad...

I don't know why but I grew angry when I watched the puppy eat. I felt my face grow hot as I kicked the dog and starting eating the dog food myself. I threw it up. I couldn't eat this, and I stole it from the dog I really am a monster...

The dog wouldn't look at me today it barely ate it's food. It's tail tucked between its legs. Pathetic, that stupid mutt can't even hold its ground...

I was weak. My breathing was ridged and I felt like I was dying. I wasn't thinking strait. Neither of us got food today. The only thing that slid under the door was a knife. I eyed it. The fat dog was sleeping in the corner. It's brown fur was prickled with blond blotches. I smiled as my stomach growled. She was eating so I could live. My smile grew bigger as tears of joy fell down my face as the knife plunged into the pup. Blood showered the knife and I started to devour the dog. Tears fell as I tasted the flesh of my friend- and then I heard it. I looked down to see the knife gone and a new tray had slid into the room. This...this wasn't how it had supposed to go! As I looked closer the tray had brown fried rice, eggs, salad, bacon, and some sweets. The tears still feel but they were no longer joy. With bloodied hands I began picking at the food. Tears fell into the dish and as I realized that I had a knife. I had the chance to save my self. But I blew it. I sobbed.


Hey guys I know I don't post much and with what I do  it's a but strange and unthought out, I kinda made this one up as I went along but it would be soooooo helpful if I could get some ideas! It doesn't have to be scary and literally anything will work thanks to the few people that read this I hope you enjoy! 😊😊😊

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

The Quickly Ended जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें