My life

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The life of a 15 year old girl should be simple. We're supposed to be worrying about our grades, or who our real friends are, or whether or not that cute new guy would be into us or not...No one ever said anything about having to worry about a demon in their own home. A demon that calls herself my mother. 

Every sound that I hear-every little thump-sends my blood running cold. The fear, the anticipation, the anxiety of what she will do next is what causes me to run up to the room that I dread seeing her in. Every time she's bent over the drawer that she shoved her in, there is only one thing that is in my mind; protect my baby


"Yes Mother?" I asked once I had timidly stepped into the kitchen.

"Bring your useless sister here! I feel like punching somebody," Her voice slurred. Of course she had been drinking again, what else could she possibly be doing at 3 pm on a Tuesday. 

I stand for a second, building up the courage for what I'm about to say. "Please, mother, I beg of you...don't hurt her again. Take me instead, she...she's just a baby."

"Whatever you crybaby, it works for me." 

I stand in one place as she sloppily punches me three times in my gut and once across my face. The force behind her fist was powerful enough to send me to the floor and leave me gasping for air. I stand back up, holding my abdomen and preparing for the rest of the beating. 

"Now get out before I get a knife. And if you tell anyone about this, you will die," She spares me. 

Nodding, I run back to the room that I share with my baby sister, Raven. The small child sees me clutching my stomach and starts to whine from the drawer she sleeps in. 

"Shh. Don't cry." I warn her, making her stop. I look through my phone and it appears I got a message on Instagram.

Hello, My name is Jake Paul and I run this company called team 10. I saw the covers you posted on your feed and I would like you to join. We have a house you can live in and we will happily buy your ticket. Please write back.
I stared at the message in shock. Mother would never let  me go, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I type back;
Hello Jake Paul, I would love to join team 10. May I have two tickets instead? I would like to bring my sister.
After a while, he says;
Of course! Happy to have new recruits!
He sends me my flight information. Leaving tomorrow morning at 11:00. I start packing my stuff and Raven's. Soon it's about 9:30 and mother is still asleep. I grab Raven and our bags. Then I go out of the house and into the taxi as quiet as I can.
"It's okay Raven. Everything will be all better," I whisper to her.
Skip to airport
I put Raven into her stroller and go into the building. I get the ticket and go through security to get to the gate. It is about 10:45 so I wait. I feed Raven and let her sleep.
"Flight to LAX from Illinois boarding now," the lady says. I get Raven and our carry-ones and head onto the plane. I mostly sleep through the whole ride. Raven was perfectly fine the whole time. Soon we land and I get all my bags. I'm supposed to be picked up by Jake Paul. I see a blonde boy with a paper that says 'Jezamine' written across it.
"Jake Paul?" I ask.
"Yes. Jezamine?" He asks. I nod.
"Oh. So this is the sister you were talking about?" He asks.
"Yeah. This is Raven," I reply.
"What happened to your cheek?" He asks, looking at my bruise.
"Oh...uh nothing...I just fell," I tell him. He helps me with my bags and loads them into a big car.
"Everyone's excited to meet you," he tells me.
"Well I'm excited to meet everyone," I reply as I feed Raven from her bottle. There's a bit of awkward silence for a while.
"So your mom is cool with your sister being with you?" He asks.
"Er...yeah she's cool with it," I lie.
"Alright," he replies. We arrive at this huge house. He helps me with bags and. I hold Raven.
"Just walk right in," Jake says. I nod and walk in.
"Welcome!!" A cute brunette boy says. He looks at Raven a little bit, but then looks back to me.
"Jezamine, this is Aj, Alex, Neels, Alissa, Lucas, and Marcus," Jake introduces. I awkwardly wave.
"Guys, this is Jezamine and her little sister Raven," Jake says.
"She's adorable," Aj says.
"Yeah," I agree.
"Well you're gonna be sharing a room with Aj and Alex since you're all 15. We could get Raven a crib," Jake says.
"Oh that would be great. She's never had a crib before," I say.
"Then where'd she sleep?" Alex asks.
"Uh...with my mom," I lie. They nod.
"I can take you to get a crib," Aj volunteers.
"Yeah, thanks," I smile.
"I'll unpack your stuff," Alissa says. I pick up Raven and walk out to the car where Aj drives (he has his permit because the youngest is 15 1/2)
"She really is adorable," Aj says.
"Yeah," I agree. He stops at a mall and we walk in with Raven in my arms. We go into a store for babies.
"There are the cribs," I say, pointing. We walk to the aisle.
"Pick one and I'll pay for it," he says.
"No way. These are too expensive. I can't let you pay for these," I say.
"I insist," he says.
"No it's okay," I tell him.
"Just think of it as a welcome gift. So accept it," he smiles.
"Alright," I say, smiling back. I look for the cheapest crib which is $700 and brown.
"This one?" I ask.
"Or maybe this one?" He asks, pointing to a white one for $1300.
"No it's too expensive," I say.
"It's alright," he says, but before I could argue anymore, he calls over a worker.
"Can we get this crib please?" He asks.
"Of course." She replies.
"Aj can you hold her for a little? My arms are getting tired," I say.
"Sure," he says as I hand her to him. She coos and reaches out for him.
"And may I just say, your baby is adorable," the worker says.
"Oh uh....actually this is my sister," I say.
"Oh I'm so sorry. It's just that you two are the cutest couple and you're buying a crib so I just assumed," she says.
"Actua-" I start to say we aren't a couple but I get interrupted by Aj.
"It's alright," he says, not even mentioning we aren't together. We get the crib and go back to the car.
"Why didn't you let me correct her when she said we were a couple?" I ask. He shrugs. Soon we arrive at the house.
"Your stuff is all unpacked and put away," Alissa tells me.
"Thank you," I say.
"No problem," she replies. Then she looks at Raven.
"I can take care of her while you're building the crib," she says, hopefully.
"Sure," I say, handing her off to her. Raven happily squeals and claps her hands.
"Why are her wrists bruised?" She asks.
"I don't know," I lie.
"And I've been meaning to ask you, what happened to your cheek?" She asks.
"Nothing, I must've fallen," I lie. She nods and walks away with Raven.
"Let's go build a crib," Aj says. I nod. We go into our room and start building it with Alex's help.
"Dude, the funniest thing happened at the store today," I hear Aj say when I go to the bathroom.
"What?" He asks.
"The worker thought that we were parents," Aj says.
"Hah, that's funny," Alex says.
"Yeah. Then Jezamine corrected her and she said we were a cute couple," Aj says.
"Did you correct her?" Alex asks.
"No..." he says.
"Do you like her?" Alex asks. Before Aj can reply, I open the bathroom door. I can't deal with anymore putdowns....
We continue working. Eventually, we finish. I go downstairs where Alissa and Jake are happily taking care of Raven, who's squealing.
"Hey Raven," I say, picking her up. I bring her into the room so she can see her crib that is already decorated with bedding.
"We don't ever have to go back," I whisper to her.
"We don't have to deal with any of it anymore," I add.
Aj's POV
I'm about to walk into the room when I hear Jezamine's sweet, angelic voice.
"We don't ever have to go back," she whispers.
"We don't have to deal with any of it anymore," She adds. Deal with what? Why doesn't she want to go back home? What's with the bruises on her and her sister? I walk in and she stands up.
"Hey," I smile.
"Hi," she says, looking at her sister. I walk up next to her and look to the adorable little girl.
"How old is she?" I ask.
"8 months," she replies.
"Where are you two from?" I ask.
"Illinois," She says.
"Oh cool, I'm from there too," I smile. She just smiles back.
"So why do you two have so many bruises?" I ask.
"I guess we're just clumsy,"  She replies. I can tell she's lying, but I just choose not to say anything. She can tell me whenever she chooses to.

A/N: WAZZZAAHHHHHHHHHHH🤗🤗 (as you can tell I'm pretty wei-nope not weird.......SOCIOPATH!!😂😂)
So here's a bunch of random things about me:
1) I love writing
2) I love Team 10!!
3) Er......that's about it......
Anyways, this is my first story on wattpad so hope you like it!❤😝

Edit: Hey guys, this is me a few years later editing the story. I've decided to change the name because it was based off of a friend of mine  but now she would rather not have her name in this story. To all the new readers, I apologize if the beginning seems differently written then the rest of the story. If I'm being honest I'm just a bit too lazy to rewrite the whole thing...


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