Hawk mail

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"What's in that bag?" I ask, pointing to a black duffel bag on the floor that I know for sure I don't own.
"Bombs." Sirena says cheerfully, making my eyes widen.
"She's just kidding," Maddie says.
"Okay," I say, letting out a breath. "Seriously though, what's in that duffel bag?"
"Snacks," Maddie smirks, pouring out the insides of the bag, showing us many many many different types of junk food.
"Awesome!" Aj says, grabbing a random bag and opening, putting the food in his mouth.
"What is this?" I ask, grabbing some bag on the floor.
"I'm pretty sure they have that in America. Actually, I know they have that in America because I ate it all the time as a kid," Sirena says. (Did I mention that they moved to the Isle from America? Like seriously, did I mention? Because I'm too lazy to check)
"Well I didn't exactly have a....normal...childhood so I missed out on quite a few things," I say.
"Oh. Well these are called Cheetos and they are a bag of delicious cheesy goodness," Maddie explains. I smile and open up the plastic bag, putting one of the oddly shaped chips in my mouth.
"This is good," I say as I chew.
"Yeah I know right?" Maddie asks.
"So what're all your favorite colors?" Sirena asks out of the blue.
"Green," Aj tells us.
"I like pink. Just not when my grandma makes me dress like a pink pastry," I say.
"I like blue," Maddie says.
"Me too," Sirena agrees.
"Where do you two live? Maybe we can hang out at one of your guys' houses so then grandma doesn't have a fit," I say.
"We live in the village," Maddie says casually.
"Really?!" I ask.
"Why do you look so surprised?" Sirena asks.
"Because you guys told us that your parents are allowed in the royal ball. How could you live in the village?" I ask.
"Well in America our parents were a part of the government and then they moved here because they were offered a place in the Isle's government. What they didn't know is that their place in the government was the village representatives. So we went from a penthouse in Virginia to a hut in the village," Maddie says.
"Wow, the royalty here is terrible," I say.
"Exactly. So when we heard that there was a new princess, we had some hope." Sirena says.
"Oh," I say.
"Yeah. After the coronation then we're all hoping the Isle can be better ruled," Maddie says.
"What coronation?" I ask.
"You don't know?" Sirena asks and I shake my head. "The Queen invited everyone in the Isle to your coronation. It's going to be in a month."
"What?!" I ask the same time as Aj. "I'm gonna need to speak with my grandma tomorrow."
"Why tomorrow?" Aj asks. "Why not now?"
"I am not allowed out of the room. I am on house-er I mean...castle arrest," I shrug.
"Oh...." Sirena says. "Anyways, why'd you two all of a sudden show up?"
"Well....let's just say we had to get away," Aj says.
"Yeah...don't ask." I agree. Then, desperate to change the subject, I add "But I really miss America."
"Yeah we do too. We miss our relatives there. We still write to them, though," Sirena says.
"What? How?" Aj asks.
"Carrier hawk," Maddie says simply. I blink a couple times out of confusion.
"Carrier hawk?" Aj repeats before I could.
"Yeah. We write a letter, put the address on, stick it in the bag that Fiya has, then she flies to the shipment boat and sets it down. Afterwards, she flies back everyday to see if the letter came," Sirena explains.
"That's a very long and complicated process," I state.
"Yeah, but Fiya loves it. Sometimes she hands us paper and pens so we can start writing for her to deliver," Maddie says, smiling.
"Do you think she can send a letter for us?" I ask.
"Yeah sure! Just write it and when you're done, we'll call Fiya," Sirena says. Without questioning how they're gonna call her, Aj and I head to my desk and get a paper and pen.
Hey guys. It's us, Aj and Jezamine.
We wanted to let you guys know that we're okay. We're at the Isle of Aquae Vitae next to Vietnam. It's an Isle that I'm (Jez is writing by the way) the princess of. No, this is not a joke. Don't worry about us we'll be back soon. We miss you guys though.
~Jez and Aj
We put the paper into an envelope and put down Team 10's address.
"Okay, do you have a window?" Maddie asks after I hand Sirena the envelope.
"No. She's a caged in animal without a single window-of course she's got a window!" Serena says sarcastically, making Maddie glare. I laugh a little and start walking with them following me. I lead them to the doors to the balcony. Then Sirena takes out a whistle from her pocket. (Haha! "'Be my guest' by Aquamarine" story reference)
"You have a whistle in your pocket?" Aj asks.
"You don't?" She asks without missing a beat. Aj just puts his hands in surrender and backs up. We brace ourselves for the whistle to sound but all we hear is a small high pitched noise. We look up and furrow our eyebrows.
"It's a bird whistle," Maddie explains.
"Oh," I say. "Like in Avatar the last airbender."
"You know what that is?" Aj asks.
"Alex showed it to me," I shrug. Then a red hawk flies onto the railing.
"Fiya, this is Jezamine and Aj. Guys, this is my hawk Fiya," Sirena explains casually.
"Uh...hi," I awkwardly say. Fiya caws back.
"She likes you," Sirena smiles at us. Then she turns back to the hawk and puts the letter in the bag she was carrying.
"Same place as always," Sirena tells the hawk. The hawk shortly caws and flies away.
Huh. I heard of snail mail but never hawk mail...
So the 'Be my guest' reference was an oh so subtle hint to read Aquamarine's story. Oh yeah! And read Luna's too!! She doesn't really write a lot of stories for wattpad but she wrote a one shot that's finished and it's really good! Make sure to check that out! Alright, hope you loved it! Love ya💖! Peace✌️!

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