⭐Kiss It Better⭐

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This picture had me soooo weak when I first saw it

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This picture had me soooo weak when I first saw it. Why Chris got the pose down pack tho??? 😭😭😭😂😂💀


"So I argue, you yell. But you take me back. Who cares when it feels like crack? Boy you know that you always do it right. Man, fuck your pride. Just take it on back, boy take it on back boy.... Mmm, do what you gotta do, keep me up all night. Hurting bad man, and it hurts inside when I look you in your eye."- Kiss It Better x Rihanna


"Okay so you're just gonna let the door hit my face huh?!" Nyla snapped, pushing the hospital door open. They had just arrived at Memorial Hermann Hospital where Anthony was receiving treatment. Usually Christian would hold the door open for her whenever they went places, but he was acting like a complete ass at the moment.

"You need to keep up. Walking slow as hell." Christian grumbled, never slowing down on his stroll.

Nyla blew out a breathe of frustration, following after him. She wanted to go off on him so bad but she hated arguing so she was trying to control her own attitude. Christian had been giving her a hard time ever since yesterday when they got into it about the whole Tobi situation. Even though they had already talked about it, and Nyla thought it was done and over with; he had been a complete asshole to her ever since, and Nyla was getting fed up with his antics.

Christian reached the elevator, going right inside, and pressing the close button. Nyla placed her arm between the door to keep it from closing. "That could've shut on my arm!" She screeched, rushing into the elevator.

Christian scoffed underneath his breathe, paying her no mind. By the time they reached the patient care floor, Nyla was internally screaming with rage.

Tamika's eyes widened with surprise seeing the couple approaching the waiting room. "I'm so glad you guys could make it!" She smiled, walking up to Nyla and Christian.

"So how is he doing?" Christian asked, placing his cold hands into his pockets.

Tamika shrugged, sighing deeply. "He's good. The doctors are helping to build him back up physically because he suffered from atrophy since he was immobile for over a month. Just mentally he seems so lost... he doesn't remember anything. And it's frustrating." She looked around as if she was searching for the right words. "I look at him, and I see the guy I fell for when I was 15 years old, and then I realize that maybe he's just not there anymore." Her eyes watered as she spoke.

"But enough of that sad shit. He's actually in his room right now if you want to see him. He just went on his walk with the doctor." Tamika quickly popped up, walking to the room Anthony was in.

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