3//Sneaky enough

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Running for quite some time, I believe I have successfully left my dad and alpha Lane behind.

But I have finally gotten to my second little secret. There was a waterfall that drops into a small little lake and ultimately leads down stream to my other hiding spot.

So shifting back to human form but leaving the clothes tied around my neck, I jump into the water and swim close to the waterfall.

As I got close enough to hold my breath as I swam underneath, I did. It came up into a cave I have shaped up into a sweet little apartment resort you could say.

There was a worn down leather couch against the right side as I come in. Don't even ask me how I managed to get it into the cave. However, above it there is a shelf with all my candles and matches that I bring here.

Further in I have a bookshelf, and old queen size mattress, and a bin with clothes.

But along side the wall back there is a clothes line where I would dry my washed clothes if I hid here for a long time.

Like now, I guess.

The thought of either of them getting hurt in that fight had tears brimming my eyes in a matter of seconds.

Why did the moon goddess have to place someone known for their heartlessness like him with someone as worthless and fragile as me.

I mean I have never seen another silver wolf. I have never seen a small fragile person get a strong wolf either. Even if they are the alphas daughter.

It's then that I fell to my knees and the dams broke and waterfalls poured down my face.

How did I do what I did? Why am I any different than anyone else? Why did I get to be the freak? was my thought.

I got dressed after drying off, went to the mattress. I fell down curling into myself and hugged my knees to my chest before fading into darkness and peaceful bliss of sleep.


So the next day I woke up and got dressed in a new swim suit deciding a swim will make me feel better.

So the next day I woke up and got dressed in a new swim suit deciding a swim will make me feel better

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It was simple but I loved it.

So after changing I dropped my curls loose from the bun and the waves down my back.

Smiling, I climbed my way up to where the waterfall began and dove off.

I opened my eyes to see the wonder of the small catfish and all the other things at the bottom.

My world. This is my home.

But the simple thought of it sent an achy emptiness through the pit of my stomach and I had to swim to the surface.

Lane's POV

I have searched all night long and began to loose hope. But I had kept and emotionless state towards everyone around me, I was panicking inside and screaming for any sign of her.

I believe she has masked her scent but it is still strong enough, even if it's faint, for some of my best trackers to trace.

Her scent is getting weaker and weaker. But if we don't keep going, we may lose her trail and I can't lose someone I've spent all my life waiting for.

Just as I almost gave up hope, Daren, the gamma, threw his head up as if he got something.

"What is it? Have you picked up on her scent?"

Then it hit my senses and I smelled the sweet smell of rain and strawberries.

She was close. So I ran, and I ran and ran.

Coming out into an opening next to the waterfall, I lost her scent for a bit and a deep frown of disappointment graced my face until she came above the surface of the water. Her hair flying behind her as if in a slow motion movie scene.

A smile spread from ear to ear on my face until I saw Jax looking at me with a small smile of his own and I coughed and covered up my face with a frown.

The cough seemed to draw her attention because she spun her head around fast enough to probably give her whip lash.

Shock and panic spreading across her features.

But before she could run I jumped into the water after her and she dived back down below the surface.

Opening my eyes at the wonder below the surface, I saw her swimming just underneath the waterfall and up before she disappeared.

Following her, I came into a dimly lit cave. She was running away and shivering.

Silly girl. Doesn't she know we alphas love a good game of chase.

A smirk played on my features.

Just as I caught up with her, I came into a room with a mattress and a candle on either side.

Holding her down on the mattress, I'm sure my eyes were completely black with how my wolf was at the surface.

I crashed my lips against hers and she soon responded. Before I knew what was happening, my wolf took complete control and he marked her. As he pulled back, he released a growl or grunt of some sort as if in approval.

The mark was of a grey/silver wolf humble as can be and a black wolf growling at something unseen.

She let a tear fall and then fell asleep.

I just marked Melody, the neighboring alphas daughter. World war three, here we come.

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