8//Wish To Be The Perfect Daughter

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Covering my shoulder didn't really help any. My scent has changed and mixed with Lane's.

My father glared daggers at him before the wind picked up and it finally dawned on my dad why we were gone so long. Lane marked me.

As dad turned around, I noticed his wolf was in complete control. I could tell by the fact that not only the irises but all of them were completely black. A very dangerous thing for an alpha to let his wolf have complete control when angry.

Last time I have ever heard of this happening with any alpha, an entire pack disappeared never to be seen again. But of course that could have been just some old folk tale spread throughout the village.

My wolf began straining and fighting on my mind for control. Seeking to protect our mate.

With much difficulty I gave her full control and we shifted into our wolf form. I looked back at Lane with a Wolfe grin before refocusing my attention on my dad.

Hurt crossed my dad's features as I barred my teeth at him and took a protective and menacing stance in front of Lane.

He backed off though, taking the hint that he'd have to go through me to get anywhere near Lane. Then just like that he turned his back on me and shifted, placing shorts and a shirt on.

"You win Alpha Lane, she's yours. But she is my only ere to the title. So I am afraid that my pack is now yours. We will be combining packs as soon as she takes my title."

They both exchanged a slight nod before my dad just walked away. That wasn't like him at all to give up a fight like that and it made regret pool in the bottom of my stomach.

Then I had remembered something.

"Dad! Wait!"

I ran after him, finding it more difficult than usual to catch up with him.

"Lane and I, we found what the rouges were after....they're....after me. It's because of my wolf."

At that statement a sad smile graced my fathers features. He placed both of his hands on my cheeks.

"I have known for years that you are special. I didn't know the extent of it. But for years I have feared something like this. You have your mothers wolf. You are royalty. I don't know the extent of your powers. However, I do know that you will go on to do great things."

I hadn't realized that his words had brought tears to my eyes until he wiped them away.

"This pack has gone without a strong Luna for far too long. So go with him and stay safe so that when you return, you can lead and protect the people around you because they really do look up to you."

"...I love you baby girl and I am so proud of you."

Then just like that the waterfalls began. But it was different. I was more happy than I had ever been just in that moment. But for the first time I was torn between two people and I felt...lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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