Chapter 9

35 3 6

(Landon's POV)

   After we finished, we had laid down beside eachother, panting. Let's face it, we were both too sweaty to cuddle. I definitely was not expecting to do this after school one day, even though I have craved it for a while now. Anyway, we laid there panting for a good 2 minutes until Ryan finally got up and stretched. Having sex on an air mattress is a lot harder than you would imagine. Without saying a word, Ryan slipped back on his boxers and left the room. I was curious but I knew he would come back at some point. I got up and started putting on my clothes. About halfway through of putting on my pants, he opened the door which startled me.

"Jesus fu-" I said as I tried to catch my balance.

"Calm down, I brought food."

   I looked down at his hand and he was handing me a poptart. I didn't accept it for a few seconds because I'm still trying to put on my pants. As soon as I put on my pants, I grabbed the poptart.

"Ryan, why do you do this?"

"What? I was hungry."

"You're weird." I said, taking a bite of the poptart

"No, you're weird."

   After 15 minutes, I headed home to make it seem like Ryan and I were just hanging out for an hour. I've hung out with him every day this week so far so I don't think it looked too suspicious to anyone.

   The walk home was longer than usual. Something felt different about this walk. After all, Ryan did just ask me to be his boyfriend. I mean, what else could it be? Maybe it was also the fact that I now officially had my first boyfriend and now I was officially gay. I've never really liked girls anyway, I was just too ashamed to admit it to myself. Maybe what was so different about this walk was that I was comfortable with who I was for the first time in a very long time.

   As soon as I got home, I went in my room to text Ryan. I didn't want to deal with my dad talking about how my grades suck and how I should be a better son to him. As soon as I opened my phone, I saw that there was a message from Ryan already.

"Hey there, beautiful." The text read.

"I'm still a guy. I'm not beautiful. Im handsome af."

"Whatever you want to think, hun."

   At this point, I was still confused on how gay relationships actually worked. Like who was the 'Girl' in the relationship and who was the 'Guy'? I should have talked to Ryan about this sooner.

"So.. uh.. how exactly does this relationship work? With two guys I mean." I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like.. who's the girl? I don't know.. nevermind."

"Well I mean I guess since you have been the submissive one, you would be the Girl in this case. It doesn't mean you have to act like a girl though. But it would just act like any other relationship."

"Oh ok."

   The more we talked about this, the more I felt weird about it. I guess I just have to get used to it though. It's almost emotionally exhausting, how weird it has felt though. It's just a matter of time until I get comfortable with it.

"So when are you coming back to school?" I asked.

"When do you want me to?"

"Whenever you feel comfortable."

"Tomorrow, then."


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