Chapter 17: Sorry won't fix it!

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Naomi's pov

"Miss, wake up," Someone said shaking me so I opened my eyes and saw a police officer standing in front of me.

"What's happening?" I asked in a groggy voice. "Where's Kai?"

"Follow me," the officer said helping me up. I heard a dog bark so both the officer and I turned around and saw Kai. It ran toward me and I held it in my arms. "Miss, over here."

I followed the officer inside the police car and closed the door after me. "What's happening?"

"I'm taking you to your brother," he replied.


Fuck no.

"No!" I yelled and tried to open the door but it was locked. "Let me out!"

"You're not going anywhere," the cop said. I started banging on the windows trying to break them but miserably failed. "Why don't you want to go to your brother?"

"None of your business," I snapped as he smirked. Yes, smirked. Why don't I want to go back to Will?

It's a question I don't know the answer to. Why?

I honestly didn't know. I guess running away from them made me feel like I could run away from the life I have right now. Maybe if I kept on running, I could heal. I could become happy once again. But deep down I knew that wouldn't work.

"Let me go!" I yelled but he shook his head. I groaned and started to bang harder on the windows.

"We need back up," the cop said into his walkie talkie. He stopped the car as two other cops made their way toward the car. One sat on the passenger seat while the other one sat next to me. I screamed making all of them flinch and cover their ears.

"Let me go!" I screamed at them but they just ignored it. I elbowed the guy sitting next to me in the chest making him grumble something under his breath. I put Kai on the ground of the car and leaped at the two other guys. I felt some tingling at the side of my neck making the rest of my body go limp. I fell back in my seat and my vision suddenly went black.


"Are you sure she's okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. I wanted to open my eyes but my body was too weak. Everything hurt.

"She will be fine," another familiar voice said. "I think."

"Thank you," another guy said... William? I heard the door open and close.

"Is she okay?" Dylan asked. That cunt!

I wanted to do something but I couldn't move, so I did the first thing that came to mind, I screamed. I screamed so loud that my own ears were hurting. I stopped screaming when I felt a hand patting my hair. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Liliana sitting next to me.

"She's alive!" Will yelled. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Leave me alone," I whispered and hugged Lili, crying into her shoulder.

"Naomi, what's going on? You're never like this," he said. I slowly sat up and looked around the room for Dylan. I saw him sitting on the end of the bed with a cast on his arm. I gave him the deadliest glare I could as my eyes started to water. I thought he was different.

"Could you guys give us a minute?" Dylan asked and everyone nodded except for Will.

"Will, Lili, stay," I demanded.

Dylan sighed. "Please Naomi, I need to talk to you."

Will and Lili stood up and left. "How long have I been asleep?"

He gave me a sad smile. "3 days, you don't know how worried I was. I thought I lost you."

"You have," I scoffed. He knew exactly what that meant.

"I'm sorry Naomi, I swear I regret it so much!" Dylan said with tears in his eyes.

"Sorry won't fix what happened."

He came closer to me and held my hand. "I would never hurt you or Will on purpose. You know that darling, don't you?"

I stood up, my head pounding and every bone in my body screaming at me to sit down. I ignored it all and made my way to the door.

"I don't know what to believe anymore."

Before I could leave, the door slammed close. I turned around seeing Dylan had shut the door. "Let me go, please."

"Come on man, don't do this to me."

I couldn't hold myself up anymore, everything hurt too much. My need went limp underneath me but before I could hit the ground Dylan picked me up. Even with a broken arm, he lifted me easily. He placed me on the bed and laid down next to me.

Deja vu.

I turned to look at him. He was staring at the ceiling and it was then when I noticed how broken he looked. His curly hair that was usually in braids was messy. He had large bags under his eyes with bruises all over his face. He had stitches coming down from the middle of his head to the top of his forehead. Tears were streaming down his eyes. He looked tired.

I thought about what he told me. After what happened Will, he went to juvie for a year. He got held back a year at school. He went through a lot, too much a normal teenager has to go through. I didn't deserve him. Even after knowing what he did, he still deserves better than me.

I thought deeply about everything that had happened. I almost lost him once I couldn't lose him again. I decided to forgive him. He was 16, he didn't know any better. We all make mistakes.

At least now I have both Will and Dylan by my side.

He looked back at me, searching my eyes. "I don't expect you to forgive me but at least try to understand."

"I love you."

The words left my mouth before I could register them. His eyes lit up and he gave me a sad smile.

"You really mean it?" He asked.

I nodded. "What happened is in the past. It doesn't matter anymore. I can't lose you or Will again."

He looked down. "I really don't deserve you."

I went closer to him putting a hand on his jaw making him look at me in the eyes. "I forgive you."

His eyes filled with tears and his voice broke. "I love you darling."


I made my way toward the door and opened it. I was starving so I made my way downstairs. Everyone was watching tv.

Dylan's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the kitchen stool, thinking about everything that had happened earlier. She forgave me. I didn't lose her. My chest tightened at the thought of seeing her upset like that. I would never let anything bad happen to her again.

I love her.

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