Chapter Five.

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She bit her lip opposite of where the cut was. "I don't want to hurt anymore. Love hurts."

"Not mine," he replied softly as he kissed her softly. Ed wrapped his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss until she slithered her tongue into his mouth. It immediately turned into a rough make out session that had lasted only seconds before he pulled away. "Do you want to be with me or no?"

Autumn wrapped her arms around his neck. "If you promise not to hurt me. I know you won't but..."

"Yeah," he interrupted. "I understand." His eyes locked on her's as he stood up. "So is that a yes?"

She smiled, standing up as well. "It's a yes." There was a silence as Ed hugged her tightly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything," he smiled.

"How is this going to work if you're going on tour with Taylor next month?" Tension lingered in the air from both the realization Ed had that he'd have to tour with his ex and the jealousy Autumn felt at the thought of such a beautiful woman touring with her boyfriend for six months. "I know you used to be together."

"It'll be hard," he swallowed. "But I promise you I'll be fine if that's what you're worried about."

She sighed, walking to the couch and sitting down. "I just don't want any leftover feelings to get in the way, y'know?" He sat beside her. "I don't want to lose you that way, especially to someone as wonderful as her."

"You won't lose me at all, love. She told me she didn't love me anymore; I think you're safe."

"Well good," she smiled as she quickly pecked his cheek.

Later that night, Autumn grabbed her journal off the dresser and a pen and wrote yet another entry.

Dear Diary,

He finally looked at me.

Yours Truly, Autumn Rae

Closing it, she placed it back where it was with a smile on her face. At last, things had seemed okay for the first time in years. If someone asked her how she was, she wouldn't have to lie anymore. No more secrets; no more pain. It was all finally over.

Autumn Leaves (Ed Sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now