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"I told you, I can't find it anywhere." Matthew whispered into his phone as he flipped through the drawer on the heavy, wooden desk. "There's a diary in here but I doubt I could read through it in time."
"Take it with you." Alfred's voice responded.
"But if he realizes it's missing, he'll be prepared for another break in, which we will have to do if we don't find these damn documents." Matthew hissed back.
"Shit! Matthew! His car is pulling in the driveway. You've got to get out of there!"
"What the fuck, Al! You were supposed to be paying attention."
"Just go!"
Matthew groaned and hung up his phone, slipping it into the pocket of his sweater. He rushed downstairs to the window he had come through, but in his panicked state, he tripped and rolled into a metal cage in the corner. He saw a little yellow puff fly out of the now opened door and then make its way out the window.
"Shit!" He cursed, pushing the cage off his scrawny body.
"Gilbird! I'm home!" He heard along with the noise of the front door opening.
"Shitshitshitshit. Son of a beaver!" Matthew ran to the window. Seeing the toppled cage and the missing bird would tip him off about the break in and he would up his security. The time to collect the documents would have passed and disaster would follow.
He caught his reflection in the window and the sight of his fluffy blond hair gave him an idea. He slammed the window shut just before the owner of the house stepped into the room.
"Who are jou?"
"You don't recognize me, Gilbert?" Thank god he had done research on this guy.
" are jou doing in mein house?"
"I'm...Gilbird." It was a good thing he stopped to roll his eyes at the bird's name, painted on a sign on the cage's front, or else he wouldn't have remembered.
This was a shitty plan for sure.
"I was originally a human...but I was turned into a bird and cursed to live as one until I found somebody to love me." There was no way he was going to believe this.
Gilbert looked at the upset cage and then back up at Matthew. He stepped forward unsurely, reaching his hand out.
Matthew stayed as still as he could while Gilbert touched his hair, probably comparing it to the  feathers on his little canary. His eyes widened and his mouth broke into a smile.
"Gött. It is you."
So it did work? This guy must be a total idiot.
"Yeah. Duh."
"You look pretty freaking cute as a person, though."
"What?!" Matthew was so used to having professionals talking to him that flirting was something he hadn't experienced yet. There were a lot of things he hadn't experienced and he doubted he ever would. But that's a story for later.
"I said jou're cute. Anyvay, are jou hungry? It must be tiring eating bird seed for so long."
"I'm actually starving." Matthew had been so nervous about this mission that he hadn't eaten much breakfast.
"Great! I'll start cooking and you can clean up the mess you made." He gestured to the cage and the pile of bird seed and shredded newspaper scattered along the carpet.
Matthew nodded hoping with everything he had to pull this off long enough to get the documents.

So far this fic is confusing at first but it's going to get to a death note level of twisted, guys.
Also, some of you may not know me and I haven't done an introduction in a while so, hey!
I'm Shickzander, more commonly known as Shick, or mama shick. I like long walks on the beach and margaritas. No. That's a lie. I'm not legally allowed to drink for 9 more months and walking in sand is tiring af.
By reading this story you are agreeing to an impromptu Alien abduction and also to being my new child. Climb under my wing, tiny Shickadee and let the story begin...

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