Thirty Two

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Matthew sat Gil down on his bed and rushed off to make pancakes and to grab the first aid kit

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Matthew sat Gil down on his bed and rushed off to make pancakes and to grab the first aid kit.
When he returned, Gil had his shirt off and was picking at the scratches on his arms.
"Don't do that!" Matthew set the food down and got out the first aid kit to clean him up.
"Mattie! I'm hungry!"
"We need to clean your wounds first."
"But Maaaatie!!!" Gilbert whined, eyes watering like a puppy's.
"At least let me take a look at you."
"Fine." Gil sat still while Matthew poked and prodded at him, noticing the cuts on his back.
"What are these from?" He asked in shock.
"Jour brozher..."
"They caught you?!"
"Ja. Vhy do jou zhink I took so long to get here?"
Matthew wrapped his arms tightly around Gil, nuzzling his neck.
"I'm sorry. This is all my fault."
"It's okay. Jou can make it up to me by giving me food."
Matthew grinned and retrieved the plate of pancakes from the dresser. "Here."
The blond went back to cleaning and bandaging Gilbert's back while the Prussian ate. He didn't wince or show any signs of pain when Matthew was applying ointments. Either he was a tough cookie or it just didn't hurt all that much.
" did you know aboot Kuma?" Matthew asked when Gilbert finished.
"Francis told me." He responded.
"You saw him?! How's he doing?!"
"Mattie..." Gilbert took both of Matthew's hands in his own, giving him a sympathetic look. "Alfred killed him."
"Ve vere trying to escape und Alfred caught us. But he vas zhe whole reason I vas able to get back to jou."
"I...I just..." Matthew looked down at the floor sadly.
"He vanted us to be back togezher."
"At least he's with Arthur now."
Matthew let Gilbert push him down into the bedsheets, knees on either side of his body.
"I missed you, Gil."
"I missed jou too." Gilbert took Matthew's left hand and kissed the ring on his finger. "I vant to marry jou. As soon as zhis all blows over." He licked the tips of Matthew's index and middle fingers, engulfing them in his mouth and sucking lightly.
"Mnh." Matthew grunted softly. "I want to marry you too." He took his fingers out of Gilbert's mouth and slid their damp coating over his own.
Gilbert leaned down and kissed Matthew, hands exploring his chest, pinching his nipples. His fingertips slid over Matthew's pyjama pants, feeling a growing bulge. Matthew's hips moved upward, his nether regions aching for the Prussian's touch. Gilbert nudged Matthew's pants off and started to work his mouth around the exposed member.
He sucked and rubbed at it, making Matthew moan and pant.
He took his own pants off in Prussian and positioned himself between Matthew's legs.
Gilbert started to thrust like the engine on the trans world airlines flight 800, meaning that it would soon explode.
And explode it did.
Warmth radiated all through Matthew's Chambly Canal and he came because I'm finally at 500 words and can wrap this chapter up.
"Promise to stay with me forever?" Matthew asked as he snuggled in close to the Prussian.
"Ja." He nodded. "Forever."

Celtic French was a genre I did not expect to run into but am pleased to find.

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