Twenty One

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"Here." Matthew must have dozed off for a few minutes, because he woke up to find Gilbert standing over him, a glass bowl in his hands.
Matthew stared at him dumbly, his brain too muddled to piece together what he was doing.
"Sit up und eat jour damn soup." Gilbert's voice was terrifyingly firm. Matthew sat up in fear and took the bowl that was handed to him along with the spoon.
Gilbert walked off to retrieve his own meal while Matthew stared down at the soup.
The albino had said he didn't want to waste his food but Matthew just didn't think he could stomach this. He could feel the tears coming back, but he swallowed them down.
Gilbert returned with his own soup and sat down on the other end of the couch. He ate quickly without looking at Matthew.
The Canadian swirled the soup around with the spoon. Gilbert had put rice in it to make it more of a meal. Normally, he would have devoured the dish in seconds, but not today.
"Aren't jou going to eat it?" Gilbert finally spoke. He had finished his meal and was looking up at Matthew with disappointment. The blond swallowed hard and closed his eyes. An entire waterfall was threatening to erupt from them and he couldn't hold it back any longer. He started to sob into the soup so loudly that he was sure the neighbours could hear.
"Hey, vhat did I say about zhe crying."
Matthew winced, ready to be hit. But the hit never came. Gilbert took the bowl out of his hands and put it on the coffee table. He cupped Matthew's face in his hands, firmly so he couldn't turn away.
"Look at me."
Matthew opened his eyes.
"Vhat are jou vincing for? I'm not going to hit jou."
"I'm sorry." The blond choked.
"Jou need to eat. Jou're not allowed to die until jou tell me everyzhing I need to know."
"If jou eat zhis, I'll give jou a kiss."
Oh, but it sounded so tempting.
"It would be a lie. There wouldn't be any love behind it."
"Sure zhere vill. I love kissing jou...even if jou are a filzhy piece of shit spy."
Matthew swallowed. "I can't."
"Don't make me shove it down jour zhroat. I really don't vant to."
"I'm sorry." The blond crawled onto the floor and started spooning the stuff into his mouth, coughing and sputtering as he tried to do it through his crying.
"Mattie...calm down." Gilbert put his hand on Matthew's shoulder. The Canadian pushed his food forward and dropped his head into is arms. He could barely breathe through his tears. He was choking on them.
He heard Gilbert get up and walk out of the room but he still couldn't stop crying. He was terrified. He felt trapped, like he was stuck in a pit, unable to climb out.
He shouldn't have let himself fall in love like this.
He shouldn't have.
He shouldn't.
But he couldn't get away from this feeling.
There was no hope.

this cake is gonna be so good

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this cake is gonna be so good

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