Chapter 4; Clubbing

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The docter said that I can go home. Justin wanted to pick up my things, but I refused. I put my pills for my depression in my bag. I walked outside, to my house because I don’t have a car and it was a half hour walk. Justin held me and said

“Where do you think you’re going?” I looked weird at him.

“To my house, where do you think, idiot?”

He laughed, “You are going with me, I don’t want you to be alone if you’re pregnant.”

Is he seriously? I started laughing at him “dream on” and I walked out of the hospital.

Fortunately the paparazzi knew nothing about this otherwise it would be chaos. Justin walked up behind me, and grabbed me.

I rolled my eyes.. “Let me go! ugh. Stalker!”

“Nope you’re going with me”

“You can’t stop me, Justin”

“Oh no?” Justin threw me up on his shoulder.


“No.” Did he said, very simply with emphasis.

He put me in the car, we drove fast and unobtrusive to our old house, Justin and Selena’s home. I’m not going in, I don’t want to see that slut Selena. Tears came in my eyes. I’m not gonna stay more then 5 minutes here with that slut.


When we arrived at my house, I looked to YN like she needed to get out of the car. She looked depressed, but she said nothing to me..

“Yn are u coming?” I asked.

“Quiet, Bieber..” she said with a creaky voice

. I stepped out of the car and YN got out too. She looked to the floor.

“Okay, YN, what’s going on?”

“You are taking me to the slut Selena. Like nothing is going on or something, and this house has no good reminders so if you don’t mind, I’m going home.” and she turned to the car, I ran to her and grabbed her.

“Selena and I are over, now you are pregnant, I know that I wanna be with you..”

“Dream on, you make me depressed and you cheated and now you are expecting that I’m going to go back to you? Not everything you ask happens because you’re Justin Bieber”

I looked to her and I could tell that she was very angry, very very very angry…

“Come on, come with me and stay a few days”

Yn sighed and walked to the front door..

I picked up her things from the car (YN’s bag) and I walked in.

“YN?” I walked to the kitchen and saw YN throw something in the trash.

“Yn, what do you throw away?” I asked and I walked slowly to her.

“Oh, the stupid pills, what should I do with them, they are stupid?” she said like it were nothing. Or meant nothing to her.

I walked to the trash hand picked the pills.

“I don’t wanna see you dead.. I don’t want that you’re depressed.. You need to be happy, you have the right to be happy”

“Happy with you? That’s a joke. And if you don’t mind, I’m going to the guest room.” And with that she walked away.

He cheated and I'm pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now