Coffee shop

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The winter air was still around. It may of been January but it was still freezing. The motorbike stopped on the pavement. The onyx haired man sighed as he parked. The coffee shop across the street was his favourite. Although he didn't go as much as he'd like too. It was a quiet place for a famous figure skater to hide away from the public eye. He sighed at the peaceful city. But deep down he knew it would be hours before a picture of him leaked.
The eighteen year old walked into the coffee shop and smiled at its warming aura. Inside was a middle aged couple sat in a corner of the room and a blonde teenager who was stood making his order. He instantly recognised him as Yuri Plisetsky. Fellow figure skater. Two years younger respectively. He sighed and figured he should introduce himself.

"Hi.. I'm Otabek.. Otabek Altin. I'm competing against you in the Grand Prix?" It came out like a question. He didn't mean to sound scared or intimated. He hoped he hadn't annoyed Yuri.

Yuri turned. "I know who you are!" He sighed. He grasped his coffee as Otabek ordered his.

"Sorry. I'm bad at starting conversations." Otabek murmured as he requested three sugars. He took his sunglasses off. Revealing his hazel eyes.

Yuri stared at Otabek's eyes for a moment. "Pretty obvious isn't it?" He rolled his eyes.
"Wait, why are you here? Did you follow me?"

"No. I come to this place often." Otabek said as he sat down at a table with two chairs next to the window. His eyes met Yuri's and Yuri sighed, which he seemed to do a lot. Yuri sat down next to Otabek and crossed his legs. He took a sip of his coffee. Otabek lifted his and held it close to his mouth. He breathed out softly. "How's your program doing?" He asked the blonde.

"Shit." He answered honestly. "I'm meant to be showing true love, but I'm fucking sixteen! How am I meant to know about true love?" Yuri sighed going into a short rant.

"That sucks. Agape must be difficult." He sighed sympathetically. He wiped the lenses of his glasses.

"How's your program?" Yuri asked curiously. "I'm excite- curious to see you preform." He corrected.

"I think it's going okay. It's got a couple jumps and I don't really like my costume." He admitted. "It's just, not me I guess." Otabek looked at Yuri.

"Yeah. I think that with Agape."

"I think you suit agape!"





"You know what.. maybe I do.. I think I've found my agape."

So this is terrible! But I would really appreciate some prompts so I can improve! I would love for you to comment some suggestions for this book!

- Smol Bean

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