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Otabek drove through the streets. Loving the feeling of the air on his skin and the way it blew his hair, he leaned into the bike on instinct as he sped past cars, keeping to the speed limit. He took a sharp turn and continued down the street, before he parked outside of Yuri Plisetsky's apartment. The two had recently began dating and this was their fourth date. Otabek didn't get nervous anymore, he was overjoyed at the fact that Yuri liked him more than an platonic friendship and he was learning how to express his emotions better, only with Yuri though. The Kazakh used to fend for himself before Yuri appeared in his life.
As life hadn't been going the best before he met Yuri again, Otabek had forgotten what it felt like to properly laugh or smile, constantly surrounded in a hateful environment where if he ever told anybody that he was different he could get hurt.

But that all changed when Yuri entered his life, Otabek had fallen in love with the blonde Russian. From his beautiful emerald eyes to the dimple he got when he ate his favourite snack. Otabek was head over heals for him.
You could say that Otabek was the opposite of oblivious. He often picked up on the small details or characteristics most people would forget about in a couple days. The Kazakh remembered everything he could about Yuri Plisetsky. Since he tried to look on the positive side of life, every moment with the blonde teen was precious, he never wanted them to end.
The mere possibility without the beautiful fairly of Russia next to him terrified Otabek.

Otabek got off of his motor, taking the keys out of the ignition and slipping them into the back pocket of his black skinny jeans. He stuffed his gloves in the pocket of the leather jacket and tugged on his scarf slightly to relieve some pressure off of his neck, before he began walking up the porch steps. The cold winds had picked up, but the weather itself wasn't exactly terrible. Just not exceptionally good.

As Otabek reached the final step before the door he pulled out the two cinema tickets in his other pocket. He read the movie name and recoiled slightly.

The door was opened and Otabek was pulled into his significant other's warm embrace. Yuri had grown recently and Otabek hated to admit it but, he was beginning to have to look up at him slightly. Otabek knew he wasn't the tallest but he had hoped the Russian would stay small and petite so it wasn't rubbed in his face even more, but of course Otabek had no such luck.

"Hey, Otabear." Yuri teased softly and kissed his forehead, Otabek felt a small blush spread across his cheeks. "Why is the movie we are watching called 'Suicide squad?'" Otabek asked curiously. He had hoped they wouldn't watch an upsetting movie, since he hadn't cried in front of the blonde yet, and he didn't plan too either. "Are you sure I got the right tickets?" The Kazakh boy held them out to show him. Yuri smiled and nodded. Otabek reminded himself it was a beautiful sight. "Oh don't worry Bear, it's not about suicide, it's just a metaphor." Otabek instantly let out a soft sigh of relief. "Are you ready to go?" He asked him as he kissed his cheek. The blonde nodded with another soft smile. Something Otabek found odd was that he got flustered over kisses and sweet little gestures, whilst Yuri just excepted them and smiled.

Otabek held his hand out, making a satisfied humming noise when Yuri held it back and walked to where his motor was parked. They both put on their helmets and sat on the bike, Otabek helping Yuri push back his hair so it didn't get caught whilst closing the clasp. Yuri wrapped his arms around Otabek's waist as Otabek put the key in the ignition. He turned the keys and started the vehicle.

Otabek began to drive the motor to the cinema. "Do you want to stop off and grab some sweets to sneak in with us?" Otabek asked Yuri when the stopped at the red light, rubbing his arm. "Sure." The blonde answered. "The popcorn is really shitty in that cinema." Otabek agreed with statement with a small sigh, but Yuri understood since he'd come to terms with the way Otabek sometimes made small actions to hint at his opinion instead of just bluntly stating it.

They stopped off at a local shop which Yuri said had a variety of nice sweets. They bought about two handfuls and shoved them into a bag before getting back onto the motor. Otabek realised that they were now slightly late.

"Yuri! We're going to be late." The Kazakh said as he parked in the cinema entrance. "Don't worry Beka, they just show adds for the first ten minutes." Yuri reminded him and Otabek nodded. Though that didn't stop him from rushing. They got in two minutes late but they didn't miss much, since as Yuri had stated earlier on, the movies normally just showed adds for the first ten minutes.

Otabek felt some disapproving glances from some young teen girls. One of them even had the nerves to say. "Hey, the blonde one is hot, too bad he's a faggot and is with that short disgusting homo!"

Otabek felt Yuri tense up and squeezed his hand as they took their seats in the back of the room. Otabek felt Yuri drag him closer, obviously pissed that their was a barricade between the seats. Otabek snorted as Yuri half dragged him over the seat so Otabek was leaning awkwardly across the seat before kissing his forehead. The Kazakh blushed softly and the movie began. Illuminating his blushing face in the dark room just so Yuri could see it. They held hands as they began to watch the movie.

Otabek couldn't get his mind off of the bitchy girls in the fourth row. So he didn't really enjoy the movie. He laughed along and smiled slightly at some bits, but that in no way meant that he actually thought about it. He hadn't realised homophobic insults bothered him this much.  He shared a bag of sweets with Yuri, chewing silently in thought.

Yuri had almost instantly noticed the slight change in Otabek's mood once they sat down. He wanted to slap the bitch who might of ruined their night with her snide half assed comment. Yuri sighed and watched the movie, forgetting about the girl and enjoying the movie itself.

Yuri had to nudge Otabek's shoulder in order for him to realise that the movie had ended. Otabek sighed at his sheer stupidity and he stuffed his hands inside his leather pockets instead of holding Yuri's hand like he had done before.

They got on the motor to go back to Yuri's apartment. They rode in silence, which was eating Yuri alive. He hated silence, especially since with Otabek, conversations normally flowed quite nicely.

It was when Otabek dropped Yuri off at his apartment did Yuri turn around and give his boyfriend a cold stare. "Are you fucking ashamed of being gay?" He asked him angrily. "What? N-No Yuri!" The Kazakh boy stuttered. He seemed taken back by the judgemental accusation. "Then why did you get so upset because of that homophobic imbecile?" He snapped angrily. Otabek had taken off his helmet quietly, looking down. Yuri reached up and grabbed Otabek's chin, before turning his head and smashing their lips together.

"I love you Otabek." Yuri murmured as he pulled away and he turned. "You should never be ashamed of that." He walked into his apartment and shut the door.

Otabek sat there, on his motor, dumbfounded. Slowly a wide smile grew across his normally stoic features. "I love you too Yurachka!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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