Part 2

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Waking up in a comfortable bed, wrapped in silk sheets and the best scents imaginable. I was immediately put onto alert. My own bed was uncomfortable, smelled like sweat, and had itchy sheets...

My eyes snapped open and I looked around. The walls were a dark blue color, but the trim was white. The bed was massive, obviously used for a large mate pack. There was a large television on the wall, turned off. There was one door in the direction of the foot of the bed, one on the right wall, and two on the left side of the bed.

I checked under the sheets and I was infact naked. Focusing my hearing I could hear the sounds of the forest. Nobody inside of the house. Atleast I thought...

As I focused more indepthly I could hear heartbeats, multiple people were in the house.


I slammed my entire body back onto the bed, threw the covers over my naked body, and wrapped them around me, curling into a ball.

He had found me. I was finally caught after years of running and I would be punished.

The door opened, almost soundless, closing behind whoever came in. I was basically shaking, my eyes squeezed shut as hard as possible.

A large weight pressed on the bed, followed by a massive person curling around me in a protective manner, and making shushing noises.

All the fear drained from my body when I felt a patch of my bare back touch a patch of his stomach. He was definetly one of my mates. 

I had flashs of memories now, When I had met the two girls in the brand new school and had gotten hard, and also me embarrisingly passing out.

As my large mate tried to draw my attention, My wolf seemed to come forth from the recesses of my mind, where he had been for as long as I could remember, pulling forth the dazzling bright blue eyes of my wolf form.

'Cain' he whispered.

Convient how my wolf could tell me his wolfs name but not his own name, which greatly annoyed me.

"Cain, I'm okay now. Thank you" I whispered into the deathly silent room.

The gaint hulking figure pressed against my back went rigid and made a sound deep in his throat. Under all the blankets I couldn't disern what the noise was.

"What" I whispered again, as I wasn't sure if anyone else was inside the house, like those two girls who knocked me out.

Cain didn't respond, but about three minutes later I could hear his light,cute little snore. He was asleep.

Minutes later I joined dreamland aswell, dreaming of my mates, the six wolf pack I always saw in my dreams.


I woke up and instantly pushed off the bed, throwing myself across the room landing against a wall, locking my extended claws into it to keep from falling. I didnt even bother noticing I was still naked. Five people were in the room, All battle trained, all more intimidating than me. I hissed at them and coiled myself getting ready to defend myself.

"Shh, it's alright mate, Dont lose your wits" One girl said in a thick english accent, as she took a step forward.

I tightened my muscles and drew up more, preparing to pounce on her.

She held up both of her palms to me and backed away.

This time the largest boy among them, Ash blond hair and dark blue eyes stepped forward.

RaijüOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora