Chapter 011

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011 (ooooooo)


My plan worked just as I had thought. We ran into Millie and Sadie. It worked almost a little to perfectly. Almost as if they were walking right to us.

"Hey Millie." I said with a smirk.

I watched her as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Was that a good sign or a bad sign... I knew it was probably a bad sign but hey, I'm trying to be optimistic. Sadie put her hand on Millie's shoulder and whispered something in her ear. Millie just gave a small nod.

"Hey Boys!" Sadie chirped happily as Millie took a step closer to her.

"Yeah... Hi."

I felt a feeling of anxiety rush through my body. I suddenly got a bad feeling about this. What were they whispering about?


Sadie told me to just go with it for a couple of minutes and maybe I'll see how Finn isn't so bad... I would have said no way and continued walking to the store, but I'm pretty sure she likes Finn... So I'll let her talk for a little bit.

"So what are you guys up to?" Finn asked curiously.

I looked at the ground and then looked up at Finn's eyes. I never noticed how pretty they
were. Not that a stupid thing like that would ever change my overall opinion of him though. I forgot all about what Sadie told me to do and went right back to showing Finn the hatred I typically show him.

"We were just about to leave." I said with a fake ass smile, grabbing Sadie and dragging her away. She reached her arm out to them as we walked further away.

"Bye!!" Sadie shouted at them, as I continued to pull her towards the direction of her house.

I rolled my eyes. She can't have a crush on Finn she just can't.


I wish we could have talked to them longer. The truth is, I like talking to them. I don't see why Millie doesn't. The way Noah was just standing there smiling the whole time was kind of adorable. If I ever told Millie about those thoughts, she would look at me like I was a cat with a badger in it's mouth on top of a hippopotamus riding a unicycle.

"Why did we have to leave?" I asked, rolling my blue eyes at Millie.

"I just... Don't feel comfortable talking to them..." She replied, looking at her feet as she quickly walked to my house.

"Oh come on, they're not bad to talk to at all. I don't see why you don't like Finn and Noah." I told her.

"Well I don't understand why you like talking to them so much. Do you like Finn or something?" She said to me, with a disgusted look on her face.

"What?! No way. What are you talking about I like Noah." I stopped in my tracks and covered my mouth. I could feel my face turning red and I looked over at Millie. Her mouth was wide open.

"WHAT?? YOU LIKE NOAH? AS IN NOAH SCHNAPP??" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Shut your damn mouth someone might hear!" I said. "You can't tell anyone. Understand?"

"How could you like anyone that's friends with that disgusting creature, Finn Wol-"

"MILLIE! YOU NEED TO STOP BULLYING FINN LIKE THAT HE HAS DONE NOTHING TO YOU!" I cut her off. I took a deep breath in attempt to calm myself.

"Besides, if things work out with Noah, then you and Finn will see each other a lot more often and I don't want you guys fighting."

"There is no way in HELL that I would ever hang out with Finn."

Then I realized she might not have to. Things would never work out with Noah. He's way too cute and nice for me. Millie noticed the sad expression on my face.

"What's wrong?" She asked concerned, but obviously still mad.

"It's just..I.. I don't even know why I'm even fighting with you about this. Noah and I... that's never gonna happen. He's so cute and nice, I'm literal trash."

"That's not true! Ill prove it to you, I'll set you guys up. I guess I can fight the urge to slap Finn for my best friend." I started to laugh a little and she laughed along with me.

I knew there was no way that would ever happen. One minute into talking to them and she'd grab me by the ear and drag me away. I'm going to talk to him and no one can stop me. I will find a way. Even if Millie can't come along. She's just being stubborn I guess. She's like that a lot though. She likes to have fun every once in awhile, but when she wants to she can be really stubborn... And I mean really stubborn.

"You would really do that for me?" I asked with a tiny smile.

She looked down at the ground and slowly nodded.

"Anything for my best friend."

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