Chapter 16

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Sadie and I spent until 11 o'clock at the chinese restaurant and then decided to go home. It was pretty fun, but I haven't stopped thinking about what Finn and Millie were doing. Did Finn walk Millie home and that was it? Or did something more happen?

"Bye, Noah. I'm leaving for work." My mom yelled.

"Bye mom." I shouted back.

My mom works so hard. I wish I could help her somehow, but I'm too young to get a job. Hell, if I could, I would give my mom everything in the whole world. She deserves everything. I combed my hair to the side and got the wrinkles out of my shirt. I sighed loudly and went downstairs to get breakfast. My life is so boring. I don't see why I'm still even here.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The clock wouldn't stop making noise. I looked at it, and walked over to it just to wack it onto the floor. It shattered. I didn't give a shit. I put my empty bowl in the dishwasher and slowly walked outside to meet the fresh air.

"Only 6 more days of school left." I thought with my eyes closed.

I forced myself to push the front doors of my dreaded high school open. I was met by the familiar sounds of gangs fighting, jocks talking about how awesome last night's game was, and people like me, average people who just overall don't want to be here. I took a deep breath and opened my locker.

"Noah!" I heard Finn yell.

"Hey what's up buddy?" I yelled back.

"Nothin' much I just... Well... I kissed Millie last night. It wasn't anything really special but it happened." He told me with a ginormous smile on his freckled face.

My heart sunk to my toes. Hell, it felt like it had just been ripped out of my chest. Millie and... Finn? This can't be true. No way.

"You're playin' with me right?" I asked, hopefully.

"Nope. It happened. And it was just incredible."

I faked a smile and closed my locker. I heard him ask where I was going because class didn't start for another 10 minutes. I didn't care. I just kept walking.


I can't believe it. That didn't really happen. But it felt so real. And it felt so incredible. I can't believe I'm actually falling for Finn Wolfhard. Just wait til' i tell Sades.

-later at school

"Saaadieee!!" I said in a high pitched singing voice.

"Mills. You know I love ya, but it's too early for squealing like that." She said, laughing.

"It's a miracle. I found a boy Sades. I found him and he's absolutely wonderful." I replied, looking happily up at the ceiling of the school.

"Millie Bobby Brown you did not. Don't tell me it's-"

"Finn Wolfhard!" I cut her off. "You were right. You were right all along. He's not the horrible rat I thought he was. He's incredible. We kind of kissed lay night after we left the restaurant."

"MILLS!!" She shouted at me.

"Shhhh!! Don't let everyone know!!"

While I was talking, I saw him. His handsome looks, beautiful brown locks, and many freckles. He was walking right towards me. I smiled and my cheeks flushed.

"Hey Millie, how are you?" He asked, grabbing my hand.

"I'm great." I replied while walking down the hallway with the person that I'd been searching for. The one and only, Finn Wolfhard.


hey guys i'm back from my break!!! be sure to check out my update on my new story :) enjoy this chapter because things are gonna start to get interesting ;) -sav (the other two left lmao we no longer speak to each other)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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