Why did I do that?!?!

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Ash's POV

Why did I ask that! I like him, but I don't want him to know yet! I hold my breath, and pray this doesn't get completely awkward. Yet.

"And I have to answer honestly?" Peter says. He doesn't like me. He just wants to let me down easily. He's a good friend. He'd be an even better boyfriend.

"Yes. That's what I just said."

"You answer first."

"Just answer the damn question, Peter!"

"Maybe. Your turn."

Should I? "Yes." I just did.

"Oh, thank Jesus! I said the whole 'Maybe' thing so I could wiggle out of it if you said no! Nice choice, Ash!

Then my vision starts to get spotty. And I'm blacking out.

A.N/ So.... Was that too cheesy? If you thought THAT was bad, you should see chapter nine when I publish it. I cock-block Fourtris, AND  Pash (Peter and Ash) in one douche bag move. Oh, and the video is their couple song.

    Bye my initiates!

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