Chapter Five

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Shadic let me stay in his little fort area. He didn't want me returning home and having to deal with my father, which was understandable.

In the morning, he came with breakfast and checked up on me. I sat by the water eating as he sat next to me. We were close friends. The closest you could get. Sometimes I wondered if we should be more. I mean he was important to me. We could never be that close though.

"Hey Dawn. What are you thinking about?" I blushed a little, staring into the water.

"You and I." He chuckled and looked at me. "About our friendship." He nodded before looking away.

I finished eating and closed my eyes, laying down. I opened my eyes and looked through the leaves, into the sky. This place Shadic had was beautiful. It was so pretty it made me happy. I was even happier to have him by my side while I was here.

We grew up together and he always stuck his head out for me. We were pretty much inseparable. Except when he had to work. He always ran off somewhere. It was strange and I always wondered where he was going. He never would tell me. I guess that's how secretive he is.

"Dawn?" He looked at me. I looked at him. "Can you meet me at the windmill at sunset?" I nodded and smiled. He got up and ran off again. Like always. It was okay though. I knew I could trust him. I just had this feeling that I could.

Maybe that is why we are friends. In the worst of it all, we stick together.

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