Idea No.1

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Jennifer is in love with Aron. Aron is the smartest and most famous guy in the school. Jennifer is one of the lowest scoring students in class and she is not so popular either. In a desperate measure to win his affection she writes him a love letter and places it in his locker. But unfortunately he grades her letter with a D minus and returns it back to her, telling her "I hates stupid girls the most"

Hurt and embaressed jennifer puts all her efforts into her studying. She scores well in her exams and manages to graduate from Harvard law school. She finds work in a law firm as a intern. Incidentaly, Aron also joins the same law firm as an intern. After realizing that Aron has not changed his attitude, she sets out to outshine him in the field.

Their competition to outshine each other brings them together. As romance develops between the two.


If you like this concept please vote for it! I am planning on starting work on the one which recieves the most votes! And if you can think of title for this Please share it with me!!!


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