Idea No.3

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I know this is kind of a cliche and may wont approve of this but I am going to give it a go.

Kate and Micheal have spent most parts of their life together. They have made the shift from friends to lovers in middle school and eversince they are inseparable. They enter their senior years. When something unexpected happens. Micheal takes Kate away on a romantic vacation during summer vacation.

After returning from the vacation Kate finds out that she is pregnant. Unable to abort the baby, as they become emotionally attached to it, they decide to have the baby. Kate, Micheal and their group of friends try to conceal the fact about Kate's pregnancy from her parents, until the baby is born. But as it goes her parents find out.

I am planning on building gthe story around these lines.


Tell me what you think about this concept. Vote for it if you think It would make for a interesting story. Tell me if you think of a concept for the story.

My Ideas for a Book !Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora