Idea No.4

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Jason and Emma are best friends and neighbours. They have known each other since they were little kids. After entering high school they slowly drift apart as Jason starts spending more time with Spencer. At first Emma feels happy for him. But soon it turns out that Spencer is bad company as Jason gets himself involved in a lot of trouble. His grades drop down drastically and he starts behaving like a absolute bad boy. He gets into trouble with the law and his life turns upside down.

Unable to watch from a distance, as her bestfriend's world slowly begins to crumble, Emma tries changing him, advising him, and reminding him who he really is. But all her attempts are wasted as Jason insults her and avoids her whenever she tries to talk to him. Eventually Emma decides that she is going to pretend like she doesn't know him anymore.

Jason and his newly found gang decide to rob a bank. Incidentally Emma and her Mom visit the bank on the exact same day the robbery is scheduled. Something goes wrong somewhere and Jason decides to take Emma as a hostage to flee the bank.

Emma finds out that the masked robbers are actually her classmates and the person who held her at gun point is actually Jason. 


I know it is kind of a cliche but there are so many ways in which you can build the story right. Please vote if you like this concept.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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