Fish is good (Part 3)

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Morgan was staying late at work hoping to get a lot done. Lately she couldnt sleep and her house scared her so she spent most her time in the office. She used to love going home after a long day of work but she once walked in on her girlfriend, Kennady, cheating on her with a girl named Zoe. That was the worst day of her life. She was so upset she ran back to work to distract her. She had to work that night but she tried to sneak out of it. She ran into her office crying and she had to take awhile to calm down. After calming down her boss, Mr. Hill, walked in making her do some work. Ever since that night she couldnt get him out of her mind. The way he grabbed her, the way she felt important, and espically the way she forgot about her horrible realtionship by looking into his tired eyes. Everytime she saw his eyes she would be transported to that night. That night was filled with shame and bad things but everytime she thought back to it she couldnt help but feel great. She told herself it was a one time thing. But she couldn't help but feel sparks when she thought about him.

She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. She entered her office and locked the door. First she closed the blinds and dimmed the lights. She walked up to her desk and turned on the small desk lamp. Once the lamp was on she turned off the big lights so no one outside of the room would that she was in here. She was so paranoid when it came to staying late at night. Ever since that one night with Mr. Hill she was terrified that he was going to find her after work again.

Morgan shoved her thoughts of him away and started to work. She was so ahead of work that many companies found her a hard worker so they offered her jobs. She wanted to leave and get one of the amazing jobs but she couldn't leave Emelyn to become Mr. Hill's next victim. Her whole life she protected Emelyn and she wasn't about to stop now. She finished her work in only a few minutes and started to clean. She was done cleaning her desk and sat down on the desk trying to find another task to do. She couldn't help but to think of that one night she was with John. She was startled by a knock on the door. She panicked trying to think of the people in the office. Only three others Emelyn, the new guy, and of course... John.

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