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I can't possibly be, I've been seeing guys since year 5 so I can't be...

Suddenly I was launched to the ground with quite some force, my head hit the floor and I blacked out...I woke up In first-aid and in front of me was a pretty girl who I didn't recognise, she sat crying and repeating "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to", while my eyes adjusted to the bright light and this girl's face. It took me 5 minutes or so, to recognise the girl, she's in my year and her name is Sapphire, I think . She is normally the quieter one at the back of my class, that only answers for the register, then it hit me...She must have been scurrying to class to get a seat and bumped straight into me,  clearly I didn't see coming.

I was checked over by a nurse, then sent back to lesson with Sapphire.

"I'm so sorry about what happened earlier I really didn't see you"

"It's fine honestly, its a relief that it happened"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I'm well the kid noone wants to talk to, if you hadn't knocked me over,I would have been sat in class, alone, with noone to talk to as usual"

"Oh my, well I don't have any friends..umm why don't we be friends, then we both can have company..What do you say?"

"Thats what I was hoping you would say"


With that Sapphire hugged me and we arranged to sit together at lunch, I was overwhelmed with myself.I mean I have a friend, after four years of stares and whispers behind my back.

I have a friend.

I took a deep breath before I entered the classroom,I opened the door and walked to my usual seat at the back of the class, hoping I wouldn't be noticed.

Placing my bag on the floor and sliding slowly into my chair. "Lucinda come to the front of the class immediatley"

Damn it I've been noticed, I walked to where sir pointed and told him I was at first aid, he nodded,I walked back to my seat with my head bowed knowing everyone was staring at me.

"Right now that we have everyone present, I shall begin the lesson. Today we will be drawing a picture about ourselves, what we like and so forth, we will present them in 40 minutes you may begin"

I began to draw a big tear filled with my life as I see it, I drew a girl sat with a bowed head, alone in a dark room with a tear rolling down her face,a broken heart and a flower with thornes...

40 minutes came quickly, nerves churned in my stomach.

"Lucinda, seeing as you were late, you can present your drawing to the class first"

Great, I was hoping he would let everyone else go and then bell would go,so I didn't have to.

I picked up my picture and slowly made my way to the front, I look at the staring faces and my heart began to thud,my eyes watered I took a deep breath.

"This is my picture" I mumbled turning it to face the class who either laughed or just glared.

"Well done lucinda, it's very  emotional I see, go and sit down"

Phew! I practically jogged to my seat...

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