I'm not alone!

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As usual my lessons dragged on but I didn't care , Sapphire sat with me , we have so much in common; she likes the same music as me, she writes song lyrics, so do I. I could go on but that would be boring.

Lunch time arrived and we sat outside on the banking, talking between munching on sandwiches.

I made a joke and we both started laughing but it was ended abruptly by some girls that came up to us.Their names:Lucy, Susan and Krissy.

"Why have you been kissing my boyfriend you little slut" Krissy shouted at me.

"I don't know what your talking about, I didn't do anything with him"

"Don't lie to me you little bitch"Krissy slapped me round the face, my cheek stung and my eyes watered.

"Leave her alone, she said she didn't do anything,so go away"Sapphire stood up and grabbed Krissy's color.

"Who do you think you are, get the fuck off me, little lesbian"Sapphire slapped Krissy round the face and pushed her away.

"Who do you think your hitting , you slag" Lucy screamed grabbing Sapphire's hair and ragging her face to the floor. Krissy got back up off the floor.

"Don't think you've got away with it, just because your friend is sticking up for you, you kissed my boyfriend don't denie it, you little tramp"Krissy hit me round the face and booted my stomach.I keeled over in pain, tears raced down my face.

Lucy and Sapphire were fighting and Krissy and Susan started booting me and punching my face, I felt a huge blow to my nose, blood poured down...I blacked out!

I woke again in first-aid to see Sapphire crying and repeating "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault , I should never have said anything"

My face throbbed and my eyes stung, I was sent home, I told Sapphire 'its fine, it wasn't her fault they would have done it anyway no matter what' I said I'll see her tomorrow...

I hugged her and set off home, plugging my earphones in 'In the end' by Black Veil Brides played...

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