Home isn't my sanction

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I stumbled and trailed my feet slowly along the greyness of the pavement which twisted and bent leading me to my house.

I got to the corner of my street and listened to one last song before turning my phone off, and hiding it in the depth of my torn vertigo bag(which I got last Christmas from my nan).

I walked through the front door, my heart thumping against my chest, thoughts, and escape routes thundering around my brain like a  natural disaster.

"Why are you home you little twat" a voice catapulted in my ear, a voice I wish I couldn't hear.

"I'm sorry, I'm not well" I skimmed past where my mum stood , arms folded with a stern expression on her face.

"Wait there young lady" she bellowed.

I froze and slowly turned around bowing my head.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you!"

I looked up, she laughed at me, a single tear dropped like a dead petal from my swollen and bruised face.

"What happened to you, bitch"

"Some girls... beat me up"

"Hahaha.and why is that"

"She said I'd been kissing her boyfriend when I haven't"

"Sure you haven't, your dad wants you upstairs, put your mini skirt on, he likes that, slut"


I gulped hard;a surge of nausea swept over me,I went to my room, put my mini skirt on slowly , the few footsteps to his room felt like walking to hell. I knocked on my dad's bedroom door...

"Come in"

I took a deep breath and walked in.

"You look sexy today, shame about your ugly face"

"Sorry dad"

"Not good enough bitch, get here"

I walked over to him standing at the foot of his bed.He grabbed my hair and pulled me to face a mirror

" Disgusting" he turned me back and took off my tie and pushed me to the floor , stings rippled my body as he whipped me over and over.

He stopped;he pulled me up, took off my top and my bra "please dad, no" , he pushed me on to the bed, took off my skirt and my knickers.

I felt sick but there was no way out.

He took off his clothes.

He pinned me down so I couldn't go no where.

Then a wave of pain shattered across me...

He raped me.Three times.Then he beat me up;hitting,scratching,punching, whipping,slapping and kicking.

My ordeal was far from over...Mums turn...

She got undressed and played with my boobs,giving me love bites, she turned me over and shoved a dildo in my bum,thrusting it in me.

I screamed.

I shouted.

I pleaded.

I cried out.

She laughed.

She hit me.

She pulled my hair.

She stopped.

She flipped me over like I was a pancake.

"eat me out slut"

She put her vagina in my face, I licked her out, I cried...

When she stopped , she ran me a bath and washed me.

I went to bed, hoping that someone would rescue me...hoping I wouldn't wake up.

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